Serena was sitting on the couch, with her arms crossed. The couch had quickly become the place that she was found most. Mainly due to the fact that she hated the thought of lying in bed [i]all[/i] along with the fact that her morning sickness was particularly brutal and was more of a sickness than a morning sickness. She pulled one of her many pillows over face as Sebastian was trying to convince her to let him bathe her. She liked the thought of a bath but she, as much as she loved him, would have preferred to bathe alone. However, Sebastian wasn't hearing it and Serena didn't want to tell him that she wanted some time alone. At first it had been great, always having someone around but it was starting to wear on her and Serena just wanted sometime, even just fifteen minutes alone. She moved the pillow away from her face when she heard a knock and looked at Sebastian. She needed her bond or Sebastian's strange ability to talk to her telepathically, that he had his mind set on him washing her. Serena rolled her eyes and looked at Anna when she came in asking where Gunner was. It was nice that they weren't completely avoiding each and even seeking each other out at times. It seemed like things were slowly getting back to normal between the four of them... Even if everything was different. She sat up a little when Anna asked her about a girl's night and nodded her head, "That sounds lovely, Anna." A girls' night was always a nice escape because Sebastian wasn't allowed to come. She might love him to death and back but he was very worried about her and as endearing as that was, it got on her nerves when she got grumpy. She stood and stretched a little, "Maybe we can start looking at dresses for me," She smiled at Sebastian, they had decided to wait until the baby was born to get married. It allowed plenty of time to prepare for the wedding as well as their child and allowed for Serena not to be pregnant in her dress. Not to mention, she had no interest in feeling as she did on their special day. ~ Gunner was in the gym. He had gathered a few of the older guardians, wanting more of a challenge than the newer ones he had been working with. Unlike the younger guys, he got over powered when taking on all four of the guardian but he could take on two of them with ease and three if he loosened up and didn't fall into any kind of pattern. It was nice fighting these guys, they had more experience than he did and the only reason he was taking them was because of the extensive training the Elite put him through over the last four years. After flipping one of them, the remaining three ran over and tackled him to the ground and caused him to laugh slightly. Having Anna back in his life had softened him slightly, made him a little more willing to show his emotions. Well, at least around Dhampirs. Beyond Sebastian, he was a rock to the Moroi.