Here's mine, since Poog gave the A-Ok. [color=a2d39c]Name:[/color] Juno Bernstein [color=a2d39c]Gender:[/color] Female [color=a2d39c]Age:[/color] 20 [color=a2d39c]Species:[/color] Human [color=a2d39c]Birthday: [/color]April 1 [color=a2d39c]Blood Type:[/color] AB [color=a2d39c]Height:[/color] 5'4", 6'2" if Marionette encases her in armor. [color=a2d39c]Weight:[/color] 50kg. [color=a2d39c] Measurements:[/color] 29A-26-28 [color=a2d39c]Likes:[/color] Money, good food, good bed, convenient things, silent areas, ultra spicy curry, not being in debt, rich people, nice suits, being paid on time, Dusk Soul Marionette, novels and writing. [color=a2d39c]Dislikes:[/color] Being in debt, hunger, sleeping out, inconvenient things, loud areas, curry that does not taste like curry, being in debt, beggars, skinflints, misers, sappy movies, cats, dogs, furry things in general, being in debt, her appearance,Dusk Soul Marionette eating something without her noticing, bad puns. Did I mention she dislikes being in debt? [color=a2d39c]Parasite/Living Weapon:[/color] Dusk Soul Marionette - It primarily appears only as a gauntlet made of reddish steel seemingly fused to her left hand, with a single eye, Juno's, on the back, and a maw it can open on its palm. With all the advantages an armored gauntlet on your hand would give, it also strengthened her basic abilities somewhat, especially her strength in her left arm, and gives her the ability to gather and fire purplish luminescent energy from the glove. If needed however, it can extrude itself to cover the entirety of the host in armor for a certain amount of time, pushing up their defensive and offensive capabilities, but lowering their dexterity, essentially inverting her normal abilities. Oh, and it speaks in unnecessarily loud booming baritone. [color=a2d39c] Appearance:[/color] [hider=Her][img][/img][/hider] [hider=In Full Armor][img][/img][/hider] [color=a2d39c] Biography: [/color]Being born in April first, not one of her birthday passed without some sort of prank being played on her by her family. It was fun the first few times, but she quickly learned to turn a skeptical eye to anything outrageous her family tried to pull off. Which unfortunately, led to her whole house burning down with her entire family inside, when she dismissed the smoke inside her room as another prank. With no other immediate family to turn to, she quickly found herself on the streets. It was harsh few years for a girl her age, until she learned how to pickpocket. Working up from there, she started on robbery, theft, and fraud, never doing more than one major hit in any one frame of time. Which means Juno stayed on doing small time. Big time crime does pay better, but the heat wasn't worth it to her. And joining the mafia wasn't exactly an option since she rather dislikes the way they did things. One night however, while she was eating her dinner on top of some building, she noticed a skylight wide open on a house. Not just some guy's house, but a rich guy's house. Normally she would have cased the place, learn all its quirks, which door leads where, the usual. In this case, she reasoned it would be just a quick grab and run, whatever she could get. It was almost a bust when she entered, most of the valuables were either big, too obvious to fence, or things that were very niche, like a mummified hand she had no idea where to fence. Sighing, she almost gave up before spotting a tarnished gauntlet sitting pretty in a glass container. Reasoning someone might want it as decoration, she quickly shorted out the sensors on the glass, and made off with the gauntlet, putting on her left hand to avoid losing it should she needed to run. Feeling pretty proud of herself, she returned to her apartment and promptly fell asleep. The first thing she noticed when she woke up was her skewed vision. It felt as if one of her eye was lower than the other, causing her to instinctively raise her left hand to her face. Juno's eyes widened as she noticed the gauntlet, now looking very polished and bright, as if it was still fresh out of the forge. Fearing that she might have grabbed something she shouldn't have, she turned her left hand around, bringing to view her green eye embedded on the back, giving her vision of her own shocked face. And just when she thought it couldn't get worse. [color=f7976a]"BONJOUR!"[/color] [color=a2d39c] Special Attacks/Blockbusters:[/color] Moves starting with Dusk Soul refers to the moves only done while Soul Protect is activated. Burst Hammer Lv1 - With a little startup, she pulls back her left hand, gathering energy into it, before releasing it with a swift punch. Will knock back unguarded opponents into the opposite wall. Deals fair damage. Dusk Soul Burst Rondo Lv1 - With a moderate startup, they pull back their left hand, gathering energy into it, before releasing it with several lightning quick punches, before ending it with a powerful explosive punch. Breaks guard on the last hit, and will make a character taking an unguarded hit drop to their knees. Deals minor damage on the quick punches and moderate damage for the last hit if unguarded, and minor damage if guarded. Queen's Bomber Lariat Lv2 - Air Ok - Jumps either to the wall behind her or the wall opposite depending on commands, and springs diagonally downwards, slamming her left arm across the opponent's neck. Deals moderate damage. Dusk Soul Monarch Bomber Lariat Lv2 - With a powerful dash, execute an explosive lariat with either arm, or dash past the opponent to their back, and then quickly dash backwards to execute an explosive lariat with either arm. Deals moderate damage, though higher than the base version. Soul Protect Lv3 - Air Ok - Juno emits a shockwave, as Dusk Soul immediately encases her in armor. Inverts her strengths and weaknesses for a certain amount of time in addition to having better defenses. Deals minor damage if the shockwave hits, with moderate knockback. Dusk Soul: Prepare to Die Lv3 - Usable even with 0 units of power, it consumes a chunk of hp for each missing unit. Dusk Soul fires out the left gauntlet along with Juno at breakneck speed. If it is blocked or it misses, Soul Protect mode ends immediately, and any consumed power and hp is not refunded. If it connects, Dusk Soul immediately dashes to the back of the opponent, firing off rapid punches from the back as Juno does the same, putting away her usual electric baton. After several seconds of rapidfire punching, both of them jump backwards, and execute a double lariat.