Kat let out a small hiss of pleasure as his fangs and tongue caressed her fingers, briefly she wondered what else he could do with that mouth. She gasped and then laughed softly when he bucked his hips underneath her suggestively. "Oh, we are... What kind of wife would I be if I didn't take care of my husband?" She smiled as he stole a grape and when he slipped it into her mouth she nipped his finger before sucking it lightly. Yes, she could be dirty when she wanted to. Not all of Kat was as prim and proper as she'd like people to believe, just the mask. She leaned in and kissed him heatedly, running her hands up his chest and moving her hips against his... just enough to cause friction. "I'll try not to wear you out," she teased.... ~FTB~ A while later, Kat lay half on top of Rae... one leg thrown over his hips as her fingers drew patterns playfully on his chest. "So, that question you asked me... Kids. I told you eventually... You never told me whether YOU wanted them." She laughed softly when she glanced up and saw how messy his hair was again and ran her hand over to smooth it down. "Also, as much as I'd love to make sure neither of us could move out of this bed today... I could use a feeder and I'm sure you could too." She stretched against him, brushing her body teasingly against his.