[quote=@Antarctic Termite] [@Mokley] When our characters interact with the ship, will the short-term effects be ours to write out under guidelines, or will all effects be informed by you in or out of character? [/quote] Good question. Please do proceed with logical assumptions based on the information given. There's no need to "try to" pull a lever or climb a bookcase or pick a flower. Just do it. Break things, carve your name into them, paint them, jump on them, push all the buttons, whatever, go for it, it's all there to be abused. If you find a room full of random metal parts you can assume you can build whatever might be logically built from such things. But I'll tell you what happens when you pull that lever or push that button, and I'll tell you what happens when you touch that weird evil-looking glowy thing. In other words, I'd appreciate if everyone leaves the ship mechanics and magic to me (to avoid chaos and ensure a continuous story). Everyone's free to post or PM me and we can work together on a single post to speed things up if you like.