Shuo laughed at Rareth's comment. His throat had gone numb at this point but he could feel the deep laugh in what remained of the feeling in his head. "You know that's like asking if my blue is your blue! Your warm is our hot and our cool is your freezing." Shuo leaned back into the chair again as he let out what was almost a growl but had the undertone of laughter. They had gone through quite a bit of the wine and he was beginning to wonder how much had been sneaked aboard as between all of them they had probably gone through several bottles....Shuo was rather unsure of how much he had drank at this point but decided to go for more. As Shuo reached for the bottle with what used to be precise tools and poured more wine. He laughed at Shiva's remark about telling the lizard to have their body functions work faster. But once Shiva asked him a question it took him a moment to process what she actually said. He squinted for a moment. "Rain I think......yeah a nice cold rain anyways. Jungle terrible, got a foot fungus last time I did that. Yeah nice cold rain or snow......nice green forest." Shuo was actively aware that it was getting harder to talk but he was fighting with his mind to keep control at this point. He wondered how much he had drank, the details we're becoming fuzzy to him now.