Name: Balalaika Shenhua. Nickname: Chiisai Doragon (Tiny Dragon.) Age: 18. Gender: Female. Race: Dragon Daeva, Physical Quirks: Balalaika has rather odd eye, hair, and scale colour, all being silver. She also is very short in height for a Daeva, only standing 5 feet, 4 inches tall. Personality: Balalaika is kind heated, caring, loving and soft spoken, unusual traits considering the events of her childhood, but perhaps a result of the same childhood experiences. Balalaika's personality is also generally cheerful, and she can be quite talkative toward those she knows and even to strangers, to a extent. Balalaika is also normally calm, even when she is fighting, unless she is somehow hurt enough by the words or actions of another person toward herself or someone or something she cares about that she becomes angry. She is slow to anger, but once she is angry she has a tendency to be very destructive and has trouble calming down and listening to others, with Neon and Drak being the notable exceptions as they could get her to listen to them and calm herself. Has empathy toward wounded creatures, feral being the exception, and will attempt to heal any wound she can without asking for anything in return. Is extremely close to and devoted to Neon. Weapons/Abilities: Balalaika as with others of her race is very strong and possesses great agility and quickness, which otherwise would be rather normal if not for her quite small size and weight in comparison with most other Daeva. These somewhat unusual traits for one her size allows her to wear armor that other daeva of her stature would not be able to wear. Abilities: Balalaika is intelligent, very much so even for a daeva and this had lead some among her kind to become jealous of her and hate her. She has a limited ability to heal herself and others from minor to moderate wounds, although there are severe wounds she can not heal herself or others from. Weapons: Balalaika’s main offensive abilities aside from her teeth and claws ate an acidic-like mist which can decompose most materials within a certain range, and the ability to move objects with her mind, but its range is also limited. Both these abilities diminish greatly when used against targets outside their range. Balalaika does carry a sword, but has seldom fought with it. History: Balalaika was born in Ximenes. Sometime shortly after her birth, while traveling to Xerxes with other daeva, her mother, father, two older brothers and a older sister, Balalaika and the rest of the group were ambushed by a large group of mercenaries hired to seek out and capture daeva or feral for use in the pits. After being taken to their predetermined imprisonment location in a pit, the other older daeva, Balalaika’s parents and siblings among them, were forced to fight for the amusement and profit of those who oversaw the pits. One day, two days after Balalaika watched both of her parents die in forced fighting, and one month after the death of her last sibling, her sister, the pit were Balalaika was being housed was visited by two unexpected visitors, Dralina and Drakonia Blazion. In the fighting that ensued and the pits operators rush to escape, Balalaika was left behind, presumably to die of starvation killed later by feral. Against the misgivings of his sister, Drak decided to take the young daeva with he and his sister back to Xerxes. While Dralina, (Neon) was not particularly close to Balalaika, Drak spoiled her quite a bit and thus the two became very close, pledging she would never leave his side and would defend him to the death if necessary. After Drak disappeared, Balalaika eventually gravitated to Neon and subsequently formed a very strong bond with the dragon daeva, much to Neon’s surprise and other feelings she had at first about the matter. Balalaika has since worked tirelessly, and proven herself a very loving, loyal, faithful and competent being to Neon and eventually made to Neon the same solemn promise she made to Drak. Wanted to join neon on the journey but was told to stay behind, a fear that she would be injured or killed the motivation behind Neon’s decision. Balalaika quickly devised an elaborate lie to convince those charge with her care that she had an important errand to undertake for Neon and using this as a cover; Balalaika left the capitol and headed for Jahzara. After finding no one there, Balalaika eventually learned their plans from Captain Shaan. Then after traveling to the outpost, Balalaika was able to learn the groups general direction of travel, although she didn’t know their exact location and thus she headed in the direction she had been told Neon and the others went hoping to find them. Appearance: Dragon form-Smaller body as seen here, minus hair and eyes are golden with silver irises.