Jon studied the old ruins before him carefully. He was no archaeologist, but he could tell that it was definitely old. Hell, even a monkey could tell it was old, and Jon wasn't sure that it was stable. "Well, it's a good thing that most of it's underground, but I hope it doesn't collapse on us." Jon said out loud, adjusting the helmet under his arm. An old ruin like this would've certainly been a good target for treasure hunters, right? There was a chance that there wouldn't be much in this dilapidated dungeon, but then again, it wouldn't have its infamous reputation if that was the case. Judging by the paladin's apparent zeal to clear the dungeon, there was probably something worth killing down there. Something that the church wanted dead, so the place was likely filled with undead. Well, he could've found out that much from its reputation. Mad King Harrick's prison tower was filled with prisoners back in its day, most of which the mad king tortured to death, if his reputation was to be believed. Places like these would often accrue and draw the curses of the fallen and they would often become a nest of the newly risen. Zombies, in Layman's terms. Now for what Jon knew about Zombies. Intense lust of life and flesh, non-existant reasoning skills. Zombies were normally re-animated, or in some uncommon cases, lost souls possessing corpses. He couldn't rule ut either possibility in the Mad King's prison tower because sometimes Liches liked to settle down in places with lots of regret and dead bodies. Now, Undead were slow, rather weak and incredibly stupid. Zombies were usually composed of corpses, so fire would be a good idea. He had plenty of torches, so that was fine. If there were skeletons, it would be a different matter. Skeletons lacked flesh and could be surprisingly spry, but they were usually brittle and Jon was sure his sword would do the trick. It was best to use a mace for skeletons, but if he really needed one, a rock would do just as well. Jon put the helmet he was holding onto the ground and took his backpack off his shoulder to take an inventory. It would be easy to deal with the undead, but he didn't know how far the dungeon went, and he didn't want to starve to death. After a quick look, he ascertained that he had a few water skins, torches, spare knives and enough food for a few days. He took a torch out for the oncoming underground venture, and slung the backpack over his shoulder once again. he donned his helmet and opened the visor so he could see. He should be ready for what would be ahead. "Before we go in the dungeon, we should probably take stock and figure out a formation." Jon suggested to the party. "We don't know what we could face so its best if all of know how prepared we are."