Whenever they moved locations, Blake had always found three things to be true: [list] [*] 1. Alyx's [i]'let's check everyone has everything so they don't die'[/i] checks always became more like [i]'I know I've already done this once but we're going to check our supplies again, everyone just check all the supplies please right now or I'll just lightning you all to death!'[/i] (okay, so maybe she'd never really threatened to kill any of them, but Blake could imagine it happening one day, maybe). [*] 2. Everyone else seemed to get really serious for at least the time that they were finding a new place to run to, and that sucked because Blake's ability to be serious was about as good as his ability to do anything [i]actually[/i] useful. [*] 3. He always, no matter what, ended up questioning exactly how he'd come to be where he was, standing around a group of people that may as well be strangers, arms flailing as he failed to see what on earth he could actually do to be helpful - turns out being the comedic value wasn't actually a valuable skill a team of survivors wanted, but who knew? [/list] Today's move had been no different, the team moving off into some woods Blake couldn't remember the name of, near a lake that he also couldn't ever remember seeing in his life. Oh well. It was pretty, anyway, although it looked like they were in for a rough night given the weather that was shaping itself into dark clouds above their heads. He didn't cope well with rough nights... Or anything rough really. Finishing what he was doing (which was honestly a grand total of nothing), the short nineteen year old made his way over to Josh, gaze flickering to the lake to what Josh was doing and back again, finally resting on the long body of water out in front of them. Josh was clearly completely out of it and, watching the lake, Blake could kind of understand why. It was peaceful and quiet, nothing like the officer's raid they'd just come from. It was a nice wind down after the busy morning, and he could feel himself getting lost in the view too. Unfortunately, Blake's attention span was far too short for the silence to last for long. "Knock knock," he announced from behind, shifting Josh slightly over so he could slip onto the rock next to him, invading the guy's space whether he wanted him there or not, something he had a habit of doing to almost everyone. What he wanted to talk about, he had no idea, he just wanted to her voices mention something other than the plan for the next few days, or just how many tent pegs someone thought we needed per tent to make sure they didn't blow away in the oncoming storm. He just needed nonsense conversation, and he needed it now.