[b]Esper[/b] [I][Student] [Micro-Macro Type][/I] [B]Appearance[/B]: [img]https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpa1/v/t1.0-9/1620868_995958527091000_3133935467447369747_n.jpg?oh=4d912b7e5542518ba356b46cbd61bec0&oe=5583C2B9&__gda__=1438259332_a776d77b4e122661b4b7b57204738c83[/img] [B]Name[/B]: Tsurara Ria [B]Nickname/Alias[/B]: Absolute Zero [B]Magic Name:[/b] None. [B]Position[/B]: N/A [B]Faction[/B]: N/A [B]Seat Number[/B]: 6 [B]Nationality[/B]: Japanese [B]Age[/B]: 15 [B]Gender[/B]: Female [B]Blood Type[/B]: AB+ [B]Biography[/B]: GM TIME! T.B.A [B]Personality[/B]: Cool headed, mellow, friendly, in any case Ria takes things with the easy going and put devotion on the things she do and whatever task she is entrusted. Her playful and smug demeanor results her into savoring awesome moments. Whether good or not it depends, seeing as she also gains the unexpected without seeing it coming. Ria is relaxed, upbeat, cheerful, and tends to show boisterous manners, she yearns for thrill and anything exciting and savory sweet food and drinks. [B]Likes[/B]: - Cold Places - Sweet varieties of Food and Drinks - Yuri -Girls -Boys -Music -The Beach when she makes it cold -Musical Instruments [B]Dislikes[/B]: Girls - Hot Headed people - Hot places - Dogs - Fire -Boys -Fire! [B]Skills[/B]: -Literature, she writes weird stories in her blog. -Singing, she is known as snow storm. -Hanging out, she is energetic -Playing the Piano,Violin and Guitar, that's her only known instruments but her main is Violin. -Cooking of cold stuff. -Making origami. -Cryokinetic related physics and chemistry. [B]Ability[/B]: [b]Custom Name:[/b](Cryokinesis) Absolute Zero :Level 5; Micro-Macro [indent][color=0072bc][b]Special Skill:[/b][/color] Thermal Destruction Field Cryostasis Polarity Aura, it is a cryokinetic shield with thermal diffusion properties which allows Ria to freeze anything in contact, even bullets. The shield possesses kinetic energy allowing the aura to withstand pressure, force, heat and even the cold, the lower the temperature the colder and defensive it gets. The shield currently is -84 degrees Fahrenheit which in this state freezes water. A micro-macro defense and offense mechanism from Ria. She created this set when she was only 14 years old and level 4. Micro as to which it allows her to control and expand the shield's perimeters and macro to its harmful cold properties. By tampering the air's moisture around her, thermal diffusion occurs as the kinetic energy field is converted as the aura armor. As long as there is liquid in the air. Kinetic energies are visibly seen in the aura as well as the cold moisture that emits from it. The higher the force and pressure, as well as the hotter it is, it breaks down. Furthermore, the cold in a certain temperature will act as a superconductor for electromasters/electrokinetics which puts Ria's defense in a serious disadvantage. It is implied that Ria can go lower thus things like Dry Ice Aura, Liquid Air Aura, and Absolute Zero Aura can be done. [color=0072bc][b]Signature Skill:[/b][/color] Absolute Zero.[/indent] [color=ed1c24][b]Disadvantages:[/b][/color] Unknown. [B]Magic[/B]: None. [B]Theme Song(s)[/B]: (Optional) Is there a song(s) that plays when your character is around? If yes, put it here ^^ (Personally I find non-vocals to be the best theme songs) [B]Extras[/B]: Level Five Line-up with their Epithet. 1. "Dream" World 2. "Little" World 3. Handler, Mishima Taiki 4. Crash 5. Singularity 6. ???? 7. ???? 8. Absolute Zero, Tsurara Ria 9. Emulator, Kurogane Kiyoshi 10. Under Blast, Jack ??. Unknown Accelerator and Railgun, including the rest of the Level 5's have retired from the position. Therefore opening a new open door for these new level 5's -Tsurara Ria