Allen heard a faint female scream in the distance causing him to lose concentration and trip over one of the roofs ledges. He tumbled on top of the next roof and cane to a halt. Allen decided to go check on the location the scream came from and speed off in that direction. As he got closer he could see possibly one man taking on a large number of man that looked like gaurds. Allen watches the battle for a few and notices the building that he believes the gaurds were protecting. The building looked suspicious but Allen couldn't get much of a description from the outside. So he jumped down onto Rowan's battle field landing in the middle of three gaurds. Allen rotated his body 360° decapitating the three men within seconds. He looks towards Rowan's position running to him dodging the attacks of gaurds he passed. Allen was gonna back up Rowan so he can find out what's in the building that these lame jokes of guards are protecting.