The barricade was finished, and with the explosives that she had found it would be perfect! With a simple blast, she would stop those bastards from advancing further for a few days, and with that time she would have enough time to get away from this awfull place and find a new home. Although she was used to being on her own, she wanted a small change in her life, instead of being wanted by the autorities, she wanted to be free. Free from rules and free from this darkness. As the troops were advancing towards her trap, she grinned a bit evil, soon they would have to change their route for what she was about to do, was to make a demolished building collaps on the road. As the troops came closer, she pressed the button so that the explosives went off, and as she stared at them to see their reaction, she suddenly stood in a room filled with all kinds of lights and... a robot? Multiple other humans were here aswell, although she didn't liked this that much. Did she got caught?! She stood still for the time being, although she kept her guard up.