[center][img]http://i1153.photobucket.com/albums/p516/NarayanK/asdf/hydebluered_zpsexsy4kug.png[/img] [i]"I'm not a hero. I'm like you."[/i] [hider=Chibi][img]http://i.imgur.com/okJw7dg.png[/img][/hider] [h1][b][u][color=6ecff6]Zanereth[/color] [color=ed1c24]Octavius[/color][/u][/b][/h1] [b]Nicknames:[/b] Zen, Xen, Octet, "Big Damn Hero" [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Species:[/b] Human + Catalyst [h2][b][u][color=6ecff6]Powers[/color][/u][/b][/h2] [b]Octavius Eye:[/b] Zanereth is able to read many languages without having to learn much about them. Code languages such as morse code or nonsensical symbols, however, require him to put more effort in understanding them. [b]Salt Manipulation / Sand Manipulation:[/b] Zanereth is able to generate salt at his own will. He can use the salt to carry himself into the air, defend himself, and utilize water at his own will if he applies his salt into it. He is also able to manipulate sand, but he hates sand. [b]Bane:[/b] Zanereth's blade, Bane, can be used to tap into an unknown world simply known as "Nihilith Void" and gather raw energy from it. Bane can channel the energy it receives to Zanereth, and activates only when he wants it to. The energy allows Zanereth to utilize red thunder magic, though he ironically uses it mostly to charge his phone. [b]Passive Equalizer:[/b] Zanereth's most unique ability. Zanereth automatically lessens the impact of Weaknesses those around him have. For example, if one were to be weak to Light Manipulation magic, the impact of the magic will be less harmful to the target. Physical damage will also be slightly decreased when Zanereth is present (ie. A truck rams into a bird; the bird lives, albeit with some broken bones). These effects applies to all targets, including both non-organic targets and organic targets, within a moderately large radius around Zanereth. Zanereth himself does not benefit anything more than others affected by Passive Equalizer. [h2][b][u][color=ed1c24]Weaknesses[/color][/u][/b][/h2] Zanereth is a person. Passive Equalizer only decreases the amount of injuries Zanereth and people around him receive; this means that people could still get hurt to a certain extent, and should not fully rely on his power. Although he is not weak to specific powers, he lacks the ability to use his Manipulation powers to gain an upperhand in a tight situation. He can be cold due to the disturbingly calm influence of Nihilith Void's energy, despite his efforts in helping people out. [h2][b][u][color=6ecff6]Hobbies[/color][/u][/b][/h2] Solving math problems, eavesdropping, naming people, cooking [h2][b][u][color=6ecff6]Likes[/color]/[color=ed1c24]Dislikes[/color][/u][/b][/h2] + Food + Beds + Games + History books + Being quiet - Being loud - Foreign language books (because they're pretty easy) - Windows - Tragedies - Isolationism [h2][b][u][color=6ecff6]Personality[/color][/u][/b][/h2] Zanereth enjoys listening into his friends' conversations without actually participating in them; he does not necessarily hate social interactions. When occupied with finishing his work, he can be very quiet, but will not hesitate in putting his work down for someone he knows of. Rather than being aloof, Zanereth is usually alert without looking too serious. His looks contrast greatly with his actual personality, though he does tend to stay relatively quiet due to the influence of Nihilith Void. [h2][b][u][color=ed1c24]Back[/color][color=6ecff6]ground[/color][/u][/b][/h2] At a young age, Zanereth once played hero by saving his little sister from a burning apartment, leaping out of a building and somehow surviving the jump. That day, his mother was outside of their home, and the fire department was too far away to prevent everyone from dying. He used his body as a cushion for his sister, only to find himself in a hospital. He was alone when he woke up, but there were two differences he felt. One, he did not feel hurt at all. Two, there was a sword resting underneath his pillow. Ironically, the boy who played hero did not know of the hero who gave him the blade. But nevertheless, he decided to keep the blade. He went through a hard time hiding the fact that some random person gave him a long sword, but managed to leave the hospital and shove it in his house by... jumping out of the hospital building. A week later, life returned to normal. At his middle school days, Zanereth discovered many things simply by spending time alone. He discovered his ability to generate salt and showed it to some fellow student named Deathedge, who believed that Zanereth was playing magic tricks on him. Life went on, and he soon received an invitational letter from Orean Cause, which asked if he wanted to learn more about both himself and his powers. With the old feeling of excitement surging through him once more, he silently transferred to Orean Cause.[/center]