[b]Name:[/b] Liam "[b]Pedal[/b]" Forrest [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] 23 [b]Appearance:[/b] Tall and lanky with blonde hair and a standard Trooper's uniform. Pedal often wears his uniform unbuttoned due to the high heat of the tank. [b]Rank:[/b] Private [b]Class:[/b] Shocktrooper / Driver [b]Weapons and Equipment:[/b] Mags M1 [b]Personality:[/b] Silent [b]Bio:[/b] Liam came to Gallia a refugee of the First Europan War, a child in his mother's arms. After the armistice was signed between the Empire and Federation, his family elected to stay within Gallia's borders rather than return to the Empire. While not technically a citizen of Gallia, Liam knows no other culture or language than his adopted home country. Growing up, he showed a particularly good understanding of machinery and vehicles, paying his mother's rent as a delivery driver known for making hairpin turns at ludicrous speeds. After racking up an impressive number of tickets, Liam was arrested and had his sentence commuted on the condition he voluntarily enlist in the Gallian army's mechanical corps and the newly formed "Home Armor Brigade." Even performing menial labor on outdated vehicles showed off his natural talents handling machiner. Nicknamed "Pedal" by Aaron Vikkers, he found himself serving inside the Gallian tank Thunder at the outbreak of the war. ----------------------------- [b]Name:[/b] Angella "[b]Beast[/b]" Hiffen [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Age:[/b] A lady never tells! ("She's 21, Queen help us." "You're just jealous I can hold my liquor, unlike you!") [b]Appearance:[/b] Long, regal auburn hair she ties in a knot when mounted in the tank. Her Engineer jacket is stowed in the tank along with most of her equipment as she prefers to ride wearing a tank top to cope with the high engine temperatures and gasses from firing the tank's light cannon. [b]Rank:[/b] Private [b]Class:[/b] Engineer / Gunner [b]Weapons and Equipment:[/b] Imperial GO-II Pistol [b]Personality:[/b] Addict / Partier [b]Bio:[/b] Angella is an enigma to most of the Gallian personnel she serves alongside, never really talking about her past before enlisting in the militia. This of course leads to endless rumors among the rank and file of where the partying gunner of Thunder came from. She is disgraced nobility from the northern coast, sent into exile for causing a scandal. She is an ex-con, serving out a felony conviction in service to the state for murder. She is an unwed mother whose daughter died in childbirth, fleeing her grief for duty to her homeland. Angella likes to feed all of these rumors, enjoying being the center of attention as she feeds off the drama they cause. The life of a tank mechanic in the Home Armored Brigade was dreadfully boring to her, and turning base life into a soap opera was just the sort of entertainment she craved. At the outbreak of the Second War, Thunder found itself defending a border crossing alone against a full platoon of Imperial tanks. Eyes and Pedal initiated a retreat, but not before Angella put a High-Explosive shell down the barrel of the lead enemy vehicle, disabling it and blocking the other tanks behind it. Eyes refused to believe the shot was anything more than a fluke, but he did take to calling Angella "Beast" after that skirmish, named after the Imperial tank she destroyed with her lucky shot. ----------------------------- [b]Name:[/b] Aaron "[b]Eyes[/b]" Vikkers [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] 25 [b]Appearance:[/b] Short and muscular with shockingly red hair and a standard scout's uniform. Eyes always carries a pair of old field binoculars around his neck used by his father in the First Europan War. [b]Rank:[/b] PFC [b]Class:[/b] Scout [b]Weapons and Equipment:[/b] Heavy civilian revolver, Gallian-S rifle (illegally modified) [b]Personality:[/b] Commanding / Domineering [b]Bio:[/b] "Eyes" was born in Gallia and enlisted in the army during a downturn in the economy caused by a Ragnite shortage 5 years ago. The steady paycheck and disciplined lifestyle proved to be perfect incentives to keep him going, and while he was never promoted beyond PFC, his superiors shifted Eyes from the Scout Corps into a tank regiment. Military budget cuts saw Eyes busted down into the militia, but he kept his position in the Gallian "Home Armored Brigade" first as a spotter, and just three months before the Second Europan War broke out, as the commander of the new Gallian Light Battle Tank Thunderous. Pedal and Angella have observed Eyes writing letters in his off time which he promptly delivers to the mail office in town, but he never speaks of who he writes to or what about. The tank Thunderous is a second home to Eyes outside the barracks, and he has customized the interior of the turret with poetry clippings from newspapers, scenic pictures of Europan cities, and most recently, a list of common phrases in High Imperial. The most recent addition noted by Pedal and Beast, however, is metal chain hanging from the periscope handles, from which hangs a golden ring. ----------------------- RP Sample: ::Thunder, be advised, you are now entering the exercise field. Conqueror is somewhere in the vicinity and awaiting engagement.:: Eyes reached for the radio com, only for Angella to reach behind her shoulder and seize the com first. "Roger Cap-ee-tan! Tell Conqueror we're approaching from Route 7. We eagerly await Sergeant Gorrel's vehicle." Angella snickered at the dead silence which greeted them, thinking the commandant too dumbfounded by her announcement of their position on an open channel to respond. Eyes knew, however, the commandant was forbidden from answering any com chatter except when demanding medical evacuation. "What was that," Aaron asked tersely. Angella didn't reply, whistling as she opened the cannon breach to load a paint round. "What," Aaron asked again, this time kicking her seat back. "Was. That?" Angella ignored the initial jab at her seat. When Aaron kicked harder, sending her bouncing forward almost into her viewport, she turned around. "Just some fun," Angella said, shrugging. "It's already 5pm out, hot as hades inside this metal coffin, and Conqueror is a dedicated anti-Tank vehicle- we can't stand up to that firepower in this dingy thing. I don't want to sweat through this uniform any more than I have to." "If you don't like sweating it out in this thing, you can run with the grunts." Aaron said, popping the hatch on the turret. The private stood on his seat, his head peaking out of the portal as he scanned the horizon for Conqueror. "And they don't have three inches of metal armor between themselves and the bullets. Pedal, get me up to 30, heading northeast toward that treeline. Angella, traverse turret ten degrees left." Pedal gave no verbal affirmative, but the tank's engine revved to life and their cruising speed kicked up. "You talk like there's gonna be a war," Angella scoffed, cranking the turret ten degrees to the left as ordered. "Puh-lease. You read the papers. Some blowhard politician somewhere is going to sell out some people on the border, and then all the armies will disband and go home. Happens once a year." "Happens once a year," Pedal said. "Until it doesn't." "What did-" WHOOOOOSH! The hill behind Thunderous exploded in a shower of orange dust- a paint can exploding across the hillside. "Hells!" Aaron ducked back inside the tank, sealing the hatch behind him and raising the periscope. "Jerkoff nearly took my head! He's in the treeline! Pedal, there's a ravine 80 meters ahead. Get us in there. Angella, unload the turret! Put some smoke in front of us!" "Aye!" Angella opened the breech, sliding the paint round out and loading one of their smoke shells, tucking her eye against the barrel sight- all in one smooth, practiced motion. A well oiled machine. "I can see him! I got eyes on him! Traverse turret five degrees right!" "Ready on one!" "FIRE!" The turret bucked, the compartment's temperature spiking as the empty shell was ejected back inside. Through the periscope, Aaron watched a cloud of grey smoke explode inside the treeline. "That'll give us a second to breathe. Angella, load one of the blues. Pedal, we there-" The tank sloped down suddenly, dropping on a 45-degree angle as Angella slid another round into the chamber. "Clear!" She yelled. A rush of air slid through the forward viewing port as an orange explosion impacted across the slope behind them. "He knows where we're going!" "Course he Krakking knows! You broadcast our location to the whole crew four minutes ago! They could scope the battlefield ahead of us and plan our route. Pedal, circle us around to the west, prepare to go full speed on my mark. Angella, we loaded?" "Ready on one!" "Hold!" Eyes squinted through the smoke shrouded periscope. Trees, brush, smoke, but was that... "Gimme three degrees right!" "Three, aye!" "Fire!" The barrel kicked, launching a blue paint shell- a simulated high-explosive round- straight into the fog. Two blue hits or one orange hit would see the enemy tank eliminated. Eyes didn't wait to see if the round struck home. "Pedal, GO!" "Breach clear!" "Load up again! Pedal, more speed, their gun can move just as quick as us!" Thunderous shook like her namesake, and for a second Eyes was sure they were going to flip. "Was that a hit?" Angella asked, sliding the blue round home. "Are you painted like a pumpkin?" Eyes asked, sliding the periscope to the right, tracking the treeline. "They hit the ground to our right. They're moving too. Angella, traverse right 10!" "Right 10, Eyes!" "Pedal, gimme full speed, 20 degrees to the right." "Full and twenty." "Angella, FIRE!" "Firing!" The smoke cloud split in two as their enemy, Conqueror, emerged from the treeline- straight into the path of the blue shell. The beastly tank was easily half again their own tonnage, a rolling platform with a massive cannon fixed in a forward firing position. A cannon that was training on them now... "Hit! We got a hit!" "Aw hells yes!" The clank of steel on steel and the temperature spiked. Angella slid another round home. "Pedal! Duck and weave! Angella, gimme another blue." The breech slid shut. "Last one, Eyes!" "Traverse turret 10 degrees left, then-" Eyes never finished the sentence. The Conqueror stopped in its tracks, only to slide backward as its massive canon opened fire, belching an orange shell directly into the path of their vehicle. Pedal gripped the steering gears, sliding on the right brake to jink out of the shell's path. Thunderous only made it so far, as a bullseye shot was turned into a glancing blow on their front armor, and a cloud of orange paint filling the gun compartment and covering Angella from face to hips. The tank's com sprang to life. ::Thunderous, you are dead in the water by rules of engagement. Confirm?:: Eyes rubbed his face, the adrenaline in his body dropping his mood from a frenzied high to a gloomy and angered low. One look at Angella, furiously swiping paint from her eyes and hair did put a grin on his face though. "Kill confirmed, Conqueror." ::Roger that. Returning to base. Your gunner have anything to say?:: Eyes wisely clutched the com with both hands. "Not at this time, Conqueror. Good kill."