"Don't worry, Erva. Monster fighting will come. For now, we have to eat. I, for one, am happy to have found a nice place to get a good, fresh meal before we have a ludicrously violent battle with hell-beasts and behemoth creatures from beyond the veil" Iwa calmly laid back, reading the menu and casually smiling. Despite his natural calm and his overwhelmingly sickening optimism, he was still pretty troubled. First, they're mistaken for bandits, then these two weird inn-keepers show up and give them free meal and board, now there's a missing woman? That can mean only one thing: Either they're evil and the party is getting ready to chow down on human flesh, or they're innocent and something even more convoluted is happening. Either way "I'll have the steak, medium well, your finest soup, and several sweetened rolls, please. Oh, an an omelet rice for Dodger." a meal is a meal, and he'll need quite a bit of energy if he plans on using shooting star style in the fight to come.