James was just about done with his project, even though it looked very rough and crude it was probably the best work he could have mustered even if he had time to work on it. In the short amount of time left James was using small wooden dowels and pipe cleaners to add trees around the lake model to fill in the empty areas. putting down his supplies he looked over the model feeling very satisfied in what he had made in short time. [i]If only I had more time, I could maybe... Do a lot worse and end up procrastinating on it completely.[/i] looking around at the other kids and projects, James was glad that no one had taken notice of him while he was porting around the room. He had gotten a lot of attention back home when he did that sort of thing, but it was never good. He was either called a freak or people would attempt to fight him. in response, most times, he would simply open a worm hole to walk through and disappear, but it looked like he wouldn't have to worry about that here.