[centre][img]http://i.imgur.com/1E3uZCm.png[/img] [b]Pansy[/b][/centre] "What?" asked Pansy, watching as the girl raced past him. He let her hand slip off his wrist easily as she ran ahead, confused at these frantic movements. She looked terrified but it didn't take long to see why. A man in full Crucible uniform turned the corner and for the first time in his life, Pansy stared into the eyes of a veteran killer. The baker fell back in surprise, yelping loudly as he did so. The Crucible soldier stumbled in surprise and Pansy took his chance. He tore down the street, his companion just metres ahead. All other thoughts were gone as his primordial 'fight-or-flight' instincts took over and a shot of adrenaline stained the back of his throat. Behind him, he heard the shouts of the Crucible soldier. "Get back here! No one is allowed to leave!" he commanded, his voice echoing down the empty streets. Pansy glanced behind him and saw the Crucible was gaining ground quickly. Despite the heavy-looking armour, he was no doubt accustomed to chasing down his prey. A gun bounced off his hip, which made the situation seem so much more real. "Oh, gods!" he cried as his legs pumped faster and he ran straight passed the girl. [i]The forest...she said the forest...that's a good idea..[/i] Glancing behind again, he saw the Crucible soldier just an arms length away from the girl who's name no longer mattered. She was going to get caught if he didn't do something. So Pansy does what Pansy does best - he panicked. He picked up a stone mid-step and flung it blindly behind him. It crashed straight through a shops front window and glassy shards scattered across the inside. The baker winced as he thought of the poor soul who'd had their front window broken but the effect worked - somehow. As the glass smashed, the Crucible soldier assumed he was being fired upon and instinct won over reason as he immediately dove for cover. This allowed the girl took start taking ground back from him and pull ahead. This didn't last for long, however, as the soldier drew his pistol and began the chase again. "Stop!" he roared, firing a warning shot into the air. The desired effect of stopping his targets didn't work, however and instead made them run even faster. Pansy tore down the street, desperately trying to remember his way out of town. His legs were beginning to tire by now and his lungs screamed for him to stop. If it wasn't for the adrenaline, Pansy knew he would of given up long ago. The town slowly began to fall into countryside as they raced through the streets. There was a stretch of fields just before getting to the greater forests that covered the north of the island, where Pansy hoped they would lose themselves in. He jumped a field gate with one hand and ran across the field, his feet moving wildly in the grassy terrain. It'd be far harder to run away through the fields but it'd also be harder to catch them in. Once again, he swung his head behind and saw the girl just steps behind him. The Crucible soldier was behind a bit, probably starting to tire and unsure of what to do in this unfamiliar terrain. Long grasses brushed against Pansy's hands as he stumbled and almost fell. [i]One more fence, then we can lose him in the forest[/i]. The fence approached quickly and Pansy jumped it with relative ease. His loose shirt sleeve, however, got caught in the fence and refused to budge. With the soldier approaching quickly and the girl beside him, he decided to cut his losses and tore the sleeve with strength that would be impossible were he not pumped with adrenaline. The trees of the forest were just a few hundred feet away when Pansy made another mistake. His foot went straight into a small hole in the ground and the baker tumbled to the ground, covering himself in cold mud as he planted straight into a muddy puddle. He gave a cry of discomfort as the girl raced by and picked himself up. His shirt was soaking wet and felt heavy on his back as he continued running, catching up with his companion again. The soldier had stopped just short of where Pansy had fallen for a second time and took aim with his pistol. A quick glance over his shoulder caused Pansy panic once again and grab his companions arm. Together, they dived through the opening trees of the forest and rolled across the ground. A piece of bark flew off a tree as a bullet entered it and the Curcible soldier unloaded an entire round blindly into the trees of the forest, shouting obscenities at his escaped targets in frustration. He didn't seem too content in following them into the forest and turned away, trudging back towards the town. As Pansy pulled himself to his feet, he gave a sigh of relief. The last ten minutes had practically flew by and his short-term memory was a blur of gunshots, his shoes slapping off of the paved streets of Krukow and the sound of his heart pumping in his ears. The town of Krukow was barely a mile away but Pansy had never felt so far away from it. What would happen to Carmena, the people he'd grown up with or the mayor? But covered in wet muck with a slight pain in his right foot and his heart feeling like it'd explode, he decided not to worry for now. He gave a reassuring smile at the girl who had escaped with him into the forest and fell to the ground in a heap beside her, his chest rising and falling quickly. He took deep lungfuls of air through his mouth and nose, starting to feel slightly sick. His head was swimming due to the lack of oxygen but he knew that'd pass after a little while. Despite his mind feeling dazed, one thought popped into his head. "Gods...My name is Pansy, not beefcakes" groaned Pansy between breathes, covering both eyes with the palms of his dark hands.