[center][img]http://pic.qnpic.com:83/r.jsp?fn=//uu1001/share/2012/7/2/230065_10150257419581253_7684540_n.jpg[/img][/center] [b]Name:[/b] [indent]Gao Hichi[/indent] [b]Nickname:[/b] [indent]Doc [/indent] [b]Gender:[/b] [indent]Male[/indent] [b]Age:[/b] [indent]19 [/indent] [b]Age Appearance:[/b] [indent]Gao both looks and acts mature for his age, and many people guess his age to be mid- to late-20s.[/indent] [b]Appearance:[/b] [indent]Standing at close to six feet and weighing around 150 lbs, Gao is of average stature and build. He is muscular, but not overtly so, and it shows that he takes good care of himself. Pin straight black hair falls below his shoulders, which he usually leaves unstyled or in a simple ponytail. He is a handsome man with strong features and royal blue eyes. His visage is normally passive or thoughtful. He dresses casually in crisp pressed shirts and simple straight legged pants typically all covered with a trench coat. A navy blue dufflebag carries his supplies. [/indent] [b]Personality:[/b] [indent]Gao is a modest individual, who is neither loud nor quiet, and can easily be forgotten. Friendly and congenial, he can keep any interaction at the very least civil. He can be a bit aloof at times but seems a warm compassionate man that stands up for what he believes in. He has an easy sense of humor and tries to keep the situation, whatever it be, amicable. He can easily be an ear to unload to, or a shoulder to cry on, and is empathetic. He isn't quick to trust, but rarely holds others in contempt. He will forgive, but not forget. Growing up in a restricted setting makes the man restless. He yearns for adventure, and to see the world, and to fight against the tyranny of the Crucible. He wants to find lasting friendships, meaningful love, untold legends, amazing works of nature and man, and everything else this world has to offer. He aches to experience life to its absolute fullest. At times he capricious and restless, especially when he stays in one place for too long. He jumps at any chance to travel, learn a new skill, or meet new people. However, this belies a more confused inner sense of self. Gao doesn't know where he's going in life and this causes him distress. No family to speak of, and no where to return once he's done traveling. He is lost and without purpose. He struggles with feelings of inadequacy and validation, and strives to keep those around him pleased with him to prove, mostly to himself, that he's welcomed and accepted.[/indent] [b]Backstory:[/b] [indent]Gao was born on Travior to parents he has never met. At his birth, he, like all babies born under the Crucible's rule, was tested for high mana levels, and whisked away to the capital before his parents even got the chance to take him home. His young childhood is fuzzy under the Crucible, he knows only that he he was not happy. Since he was a small child, he had neither trusted nor believe in the Empire's greatness. Rigorous education, intense training, and an unloving environment propelled the boy to be intelligent, skilled, and dissociative. Having no parents and only instructors made the boy shy and quiet. He had no companions except other students. They all tried to be friends, but the adults raising them encouraged competition between them; it would result in soldiers who were accustomed to long stays in unfriendly territory, and kept them from forming rebellions. More than once someone he had once called a friend would stab him in the back to get an advantage. In his elementary years, Gao was taught chemistry, maths, biology, and medicine. His education was geared toward his suspected purpose; to be a battle medic. He was taught first aid by the age of four, and went through most of the education a physician would (it they specialized in trauma medicine) excluding serious diagnostic skills by the time he was 15. He might not be able to recognize obscure diseases or deliver a baby, but he could stitch up a man who was nearly cut in half just moment prior. After the onset of puberty, the apprentices, as they were sometimes called, were introduced to physical training. Like all aspects of their training, this was geared toward his estimated future purpose. He was taught that, in battle, he should READ; react, evade, adjust, and disengage. This tactic was taught to all White Mages in the Crucible at an early age and is really just a basic strategy. He was also taught close quarters combat, gun mechanics and proper handling, and collective attack behavior. Gao was a good student, however that was most likely because it was all he had ever really known. He did well in all of his magical courses, but lacked in the more physically demanding tasks he was required to learn around age 11. He had never really stood out among his peers in anything in particular, which often made him feel quite useless, but it kept his superiors from focusing on him too much. He passed without issue, but stayed in the background. When the mage was 16, his year was taken on a trip to an area close to the expanding borders, to show the apprentices some "practical applications" of their skills. While in route to the distant island, a large rift appeared in the air near their vessel. The ship was badly damaged, and the chaos resulted in the ship crash landing on a random island. Monsters were fast in pursuit, and although the ship consisted of instructors and students of magic, they were overpowered. In the end, the instructors, in a surprising show of valor, let the surviving students escape in life boats. Gao and a few of his fellow students drifted for a few days until they made it to a small, unfamiliar island. There, they met colorful natives not under Crucible control. They had drifted out of the Empire's reach. His fellows were outraged and demanded to be taken back inside the Empire's borders, but the natives wouldn't risk it. At that point, Gao surrendered to them, and was taken to a neighboring, bigger island to be inspected. He made it known that he had no desire to return to the Empire, and eventually was released. He doesn't know what happened to those he shared an escape boat with, but her rarely thinks on it now. In recent years, Gao travels to different islands and does odd jobs. He flees the border of the Empire, but he no longer considers himself running. He doesn't fear them catching him and believes that they think he is dead. [/indent] [b]Mage:[/b] [indent]White Mage[/indent] [b]Skills:[/b] [list][*][i]Trauma Aid:[/i] With his kit, Gao can patch up battle wounds with relative speed. He is good under pressure and knows what to do in a variety of situations.[*][i]General Aid:[/i] The right supplies enables Gao to keep people healthy in most aspects and can preform the duties of a practical physician if need be.[*][i]Divine Aid:[/i] Gifted with mana, Gao can heal others when their maladies transcend his physical healing abilities. [*][i]Combat Trained:[/i] Trained to be used in combat, Gao does not panic is high-stress situations and has limited knowledge of how to act in these situations. [/list] [b]Techniques:[/b] [list][*][i]Font:[/i] Gao release energy from his core which radiates to his allies. This can either heal them or provide them with extra mana. The effect is increased if the mage is immobile, and more so if he is meditating.[*][i]READ:[/i] First, acknowledge and inspect your opposition. Look at your surroundings and make sure you understand the layout of both your allies and enemies. Then, if you face a considerable threat, evade and distance yourself from it and allow you stronger comrades space. After distancing yourself from the threat, move to where you are most accessible to your comrades. If your comrades fall, disengage from the enemy and retreat. This technique keeps Gao calm and focused in combat. [/list] [b]Equipment:[/b] [list] [*].9mm Pistol, holstered on his belt [*]Two 9-shot magazines and extra ammunition (approx. 40 bullets)[*]Two changes of clothes[*]Two days of rations and water[*]Map of local islands[*]Pocket Knife[/list] [hider=Medical Kit] [list][*]Assorted bandages and gauze [*]Alcohol/iodine swabs (x50 2inx2in swabs) [*]Empty syringes (x3) [*]Morphine (x1 bottle)[*]Zophran (x1 bottle)[*]Epinephrine (x.5 bottle)[*]Surgical sewing needle (x2) and thread[*]Plastic gloves (x4 pairs)[*]Medical tape (1.5x rolls)[*]Ace bandages (x3 large)[*]Burn cream (x1 tubes)[*]Scissors [*]Safety Pins (x50)[*]Antibiotics (x25 pills)[*]"Nasal Trumpet" (x1)[*]Oropharyngeal Airway (x1)[*]IV fluids and tubing[*]Antihemorrhagic Powder (x1 canister) [*]Asprin (x1.5 bottle)[*]Benadryl (x.75 bottle)[/list][/hider] [b]Position:[/b] [indent]Doctor[/indent] [b]Theme Song:[/b] [indent][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DfLoycrMsUY]Twin Atlantic - Yes I Was Drunk[/url][/indent]