[hider=Sierra Alvarez] [b]NAME:[/b] Sierra Alvarez [b]AGE:[/b] 26 [b]GENDER:[/b] female [b]ZONE:[/b] 3 [b]PERSONALITY:[/b] VROOOOM! Sierra is a hot-headed girl who’s all about speed (prepare for puns). She’s got a very fiery personality, possessing a short temper and very little patience. She gets pissed very easily, often complaining when things aren’t fast enough. She’s a very reckless individual, often charging into battle unprepared and not caring about the outcome. This, combined with her very stubborn nature and her impatience makes Sierra not much of a team player. She’s the rebel of the group, preferring to do what she wants instead of following orders. This gets her in trouble a lot, and she’s got her share of smudges on her police record. The thing about Sierra is that she’s got potential but doesn’t use any of it. She’s had a really rough life, her dad being an alcoholic and her mother trying to pay the bills by selling herself as a prostitute. But instead of using the challenges in her life as motivation, Sierra uses them as excuses to pretty much be a professional detriment to society. She’s an alcoholic just like her father and she has “experimented” several times with a lot of different drugs. Perhaps one day something or someone will show Sierra that she can be more than she has become. Sierra’s favorite thing in the world is cars. Ever since she was little, she’s been a huge racing enthusiast (call her a fucking redneck; I dare you) and she’s always wanted to be a racecar driver. She’s an excellent driver especially if you want to get somewhere the fastest and most illegal way you can, and she’s mastered the art of drift racing. Her goal in life is to be a professional stunt driver, though she hasn’t exactly mastered this career considering that she keeps ending up in jail. Sierra’s strongly feminist. The best way to piss her off is to tell an anti-women's rights joke. She’s a big fan of spicy mexican food, female rock bands (like Halestorm and Paramore), and animes (but call her a weeaboo and you’ll find yourself in the ICU). And yes, since your dirty minds have been thinking this the entire time, she does like it fast. [b]HISTORY:[/b] Sierra was born in San Francisco, California, but she didn’t stay there long. Her father was a naval helicopter pilot who worked on an aircraft carrier, and her mother stayed at home, taking care of both Sierra and her older brother Allen. Over the course of her childhood, Sierra moved from San Francisco to Houston to Virginia Beach to Patuneux. When Sierra was ten, her father was off in the Middle East flying marines into Iraq when his helicopter was shot down. He crashed in the desert and stayed their for several days, going in and out of consciousness for that time. He sustained severe physical scars, but the mental ones were worse. He was honorably discharged from the military upon his return, where he became an abusive drunk. He began to becomes abusive towards his family, beating Sierra’s mother and breaking Allen’s jaw. He was found out by police, and testified guilty by means of insanity in court. He was sent to a mental rehabilitation center where he stayed for several years, getting treatment for his alcoholism as well as his PTSD. Sierra’s mother divorced him while he was there and over the course of the next few years, she became a heroin addict. When Sierra was fourteen, her brother and mom got in a huge fight which led to Allen leaving. He travelled back west and Sierra hasn’t seen him since. Throughout her high school career, it was obvious that Sierra had some problems. She was suspended several times from school for getting into fights and, like her father, became an alcoholic. At age sixteen, she got her first DUI. Her mother was furious with her, but Sierra didn’t care. She lost all respect for her mother after “the men” started coming in. At first Sierra thought that her mother was trying to move on, but after a while it became obvious that there were too many men coming in the house for this to just be dating around. Sierra’s mother had resorted to prostitution to pay the bills. As soon as she turned eighteen, Sierra ran away. She moved to Baltimore (the family was in Norfolk at the time) where she worked as a bartender to pay her bills. She kept telling herself that she’d never become like her parents, but as she sank deeper into alcoholism it became obvious that it was going to be an uphill battle. Then she met Frank. Frank was a man about Sierra’ age who, like her, had a great interest in racing and cars. He was a fairly moral and self-sufficient guy, a political affairs major at University of Baltimore with a bright career path in front of him. Though they couldn’t be more different, Sierra saw something she liked in him and they began dating. They moved in together, renting an apartment near Frank’s school, and together they bought Sierra’s first car, a 2012 Corvette Stingray, which at that point was kind of a junker car, caught in that rift of antiquism where it wasn’t old enough to be “vintage”, like a nineties car. With his help, Sierra quit drinking and had her life back on the right track. She began using the car in amateur racing competitions, where she began to make a good bit of money. At age 22, Sierra Alvarez married Frank Williams. The marriage, however, was short-lived, as soon after the “accident” happened. Sierra was driving in a drift-race when for some reason, her brakes refused to work. She began to accelerate uncontrollably and crashed into the car in front of her, causing a massive car accident. Sierra woke up two months later with one arm and an one ear. Luckily, she had a good bit of money saved up, and her and Frank were able to purchase advanced prosthetics to fix her. Even with a new arm, Sierra was never the same again. She returned to drinking and not long later divorced Frank. Her condition with her arm disqualified her from racing, and so she decided to prove herself by doing less legal races. She was arrested in 2032 for a DUI, resisting arrest, and drug possession. She was sentenced to eight months in prison and got two months extra for a fight. She tried to clean up her act with a therapist, but it wasn’t long after that she got arrested again for shoplifting. When the dreams began, she was on parole. [b]APPERANCE[/b] [list][*][b]PHYSICAL:[/b] Sierra’s a slightly taller-than-average girl, standing at 5’9” and weighing 145 lbs. She is fairly muscular, with toned arms, legs, and abs, meaning that if asked “do you even lift” Sierra would respond “yes, yes I do.” While she’s not particularly gifted with feminine charm in the social or physical form, many people find Sierra’s body to be attractive because of the way she carries herself, with her head held high and her well-define hips jaunting back and forth like the hindquarters of a cat. She moves somewhat gracefully, her body rippling almost sexually when she moves, from her legs to her arm- Oh yeah, I should probably mention that Sierra only has one real arm. Sierra’s right arm from the shoulder down is completely artificial, and thanks to modern medical technologies, moves roughly like a normal arm. The arm is robotic and consists of a black sleeve with an armor-like plate on the shoulder and a silver stripe going down to her hand. The arm makes a quiet robotic whirring sound when she moves it. Sierra is half-asian and half-caucasian, and so her skin is a very light coppery color. She has a roughly heart-shaped face and deep-set, almond-shaped eyes which are blue in color. Sierra’s hair is kept in a short Asian mullet, similar to the hair of the Final Fantasy character Lightning (Sierra was an anime nerd when she was younger, so this is intentional). Her hair is light brown with dark red highlights. Her hair generally covers her ears, so they are rarely seen. Sierra’s left ear is a slightly different skin tone than the rest of her face and has scars around it from where the skin graft was placed. She has a thin, rounded nose; occasionally, she wears a small stud in the right side of her nose. Her lips are full and a light pink in color, though she usually wears red lipstick. There is a thin scar running across the underside of the left side of her jawline. Sierra almost always has a very cocky smile on her face. Her teeth are very well taken care of. If one were to look closely, they would see that all of the molars on the bottom right side of Sierra’s mouth are fake, though this is hard to tell. [*][b]IN-ZONE:[/b] When in Nexus-mode, Sierra appears physically just as she does in real life, though her irises turn dark orange and red, like a fire. She dresses like she does in real life in this form, wearing black leather pants, a rock band tee shirt, and a black leather jacket. A pocket of the jacket contains a lighter and a box of strange cylindrical objects which Sierra realized are cigarettes. She generally has about ten cigarettes in her pocket every time she enters the Nexus. Sierra’s arm in this world is much more primitive looking, and is somewhat steampunk in nature, with pistons sticking out of the top and gears inside. It is bronze in color and clanks loudly when she moves it. In REM form, Sierra looks much more terrifying. Her hair turns pitch black and oily, and her eyes turn pure black like the eyes of a demon. Her fingernails turn black as well, and she exhales a thick black smoke when she breathes. The arm stays the same, though the metallic whirring becomes louder. Her voice is modified in REM form to sound deeper and more sinister.[/list] [b]POWERS[/b] [b]NEXUS:[/b] Sierra has the power to control and emit smog. The official definition of smog is “fog or haze combined with smoke and other atmospheric pollutants.” but in Sierra’s case, this is manifested as a thick black smog which is harmful to the lungs, capable of causing serious respiratory problems if breathed in too much. [b]The smog has a consistency similar to gaseous ink, making it heavy and hard to breathe in. Breathing in the smog too much can cause hallucinations and lung scarring.[/b] The smog is slightly heavier than oxygen and so it settles towards the ground when released, making it quite dangerous. Sierra doesn’t seem to have a limit of how much smog she can produce, but exhaling too much of it makes her dehydrate and causes her to become extremely dizzy. Sierra herself is immune to the respiratory problems caused by her smog, but she cannot protect others from it, making her easily capable of causing collateral damage. Also, while Sierra can propel the smog in a certain direction, she cannot control its diffusion. [b]Sierra’s smog has the secondary effect of leaving a sticky black film on all non-biological surfaces. This film is an oil-like residue which is black in coloration. Sierra has the ability to manipulate this film in order to use it as a weapon, though it isn’t overly strong and she cannot make complex shapes with it. [/b] Sierra’s arm is slightly stronger than a human arm, allowing her to throw powerful punches. [b]REM:[/b] Sierra’s smog in this form becomes significantly more powerful, and she also becomes able to manipulate/generate sludge. Sludge is, in general, an oily residue usually generated by industrial processes. Sierra has the ability to generate this sludge and change its forms, allowing her to construct vicious monsters made of thick black sludge. The monsters are for all intents and purposes, mindless, and share Sierra’s aggressive nature. She has the ability to control the sludge golems, but she’s not particularly skilled in it since she oftentimes becomes afraid of them. The sludge golems are extremely strong, comparable in strength to a chimpanzee, and are capable of snapping bones and tearing skin. The sludge golems fear fire, but when set ablaze become much more dangerous. They can be damaged just like a human can and are capable of dying, but do not feel pain unless burned. Sierra doesn’t have to just create golems of her sludge. She can also create weapons of sludge and can move quickly by riding on a wave of it. [b]The sludge smells terrible and is poisonous just like the smog, so contact with any kind of open wound will cause a serious infection.[/b] Sierra’s smog in the REM form is much more dangerous, capable of causing severe respiratory damage reminiscent of [b]hydrogen cyanide, causing lung scarring, extreme vertigo, seizures, apnea (loss of mechanical breathing) and cardiac arrest. A few breaths of the smog can easily kill anything with lungs. While Sierra’s smog is exponentially more powerful in this form, she can also control its diffusion to a degree, lessening the possibility of collateral damage. Extremely high levels of hydroxycobalamin (vitamin B12) can cure the poisoning, though it must be administered almost immediately in order to prevent death.[/b] When Sierra kills an opponent in REM form, their body quickly turns into a black dust or smoke, which she inhales. This makes her stronger over time (like Henry’s consuming enemies to get stronger). [b]OTHER:[/b] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yZOmtPR_MTU]Themesong[/url] [/hider]