It was around 11:30pm. A cool breeze hit her face as she walked out of the door. Aria smiled. She had just finished her shift at the diner. She was old fashioned, rather than a coat she had a thick cloak. She thought it looked really cute with her waitress outfit. She pulled her cloak around her arms and put her hood up. It was a nice night tonight. The stars were out and the moon shone bright. She took a deep breath letting her lungs fill with the fresh night air. As she walked down the road, slowly making her way back to her apartment she stopped and read a poster that was lit up by a lamp post. 'BEWARE!!! There are creatures lurking in the dark! Never walk alone at night!' She smiled and laughed a little as she shook her head. She saw a lot of posters like these. There have apparently been some vampire sightings in this part of the city so all the warnings had gone out. Her manager was reluctant to let her walk home alone because of it. Each time she had to insist that her house was only a five minute walk away and that she would be fine. It wasn't it was about half an hour away. She loved the night walk. She was also strangely keen on meeting one of these 'creatures' for herself. She neither hated them or liked them. She was a girl who liked first hand experience before she made a decision. Of course she would never tell anyone this secret. She would be locked away in a white room if she did, along with all the other 'crazy sympathisers'. She continued to walk down the pathway humming quietly to herself as she did. Content being alone in the moonlight.