[b]| NAME(S): |[/b] [INDENT][i]June April Summers[/i][/INDENT] [b]| ALIAS(ES): |[/b] [INDENT][i]Glass Angel[/i][/INDENT] [b]| D.O.B.: |[/b] [INDENT]6/1/1991[/INDENT] [b]| AGE: |[/b] [INDENT]24[/INDENT] [b]| SEX: |[/b] [INDENT]Female[/INDENT] [b]| SEXUALITY: |[/b] [INDENT]June's a real straight shooter.[/INDENT] [b]| APPEARANCE: |[/b] [INDENT]June looks much like a punk, it shows in her appearance and attire very well. She gives off the aura of a "tough-girl". It's probably the way she walks, or the glares she throws at people whenever she moves. Usually being the girl that doesn't stand in the spotlight. What accentuates this feel is the various scars on her (Especially the few scars that are on her face), and the raspy voice of a smoker that she displays with every word. She has been in some tough shit, and everyone can see it. Moving on, June is a woman that stands a bit above the female average at 5'9, nearly approaching the male average. June is relatively fit, she doesn't have a lot of visible muscles or body fat, but she's very slender. Having a slight curvature that is accented by what little muscle-tone and body fat she has on her. So, yeah, she looks like the girl who does a little work. Her legs seem to be the strongest part of her body, having a tone of someone who does a lot of running. Thick, strong, thighs, calfs, and so on. However, they're not the ideal long legs that women hope to have. In fact, her arms and legs are pretty proportionate to the rest of her body. She has sofa, delicate hands, that don't too nice since they have a coating of small scars. She's around 141lb in terms of weight, which isn't too much given her size. June is obviously Caucasian, with her white skin being a porcelain color with light shades. It's not perfect, or clear, even in the slightest. June's arms and upper body are coated with thin slashing scars, caused by glass accidents relating to her power. Most of them have long faded, or are fading, but some wounds just never heal. There's a scar from a cut starting at her cheek, going around to the back of her head. It was done by a knife, or a glass shard. June doesn't talk about it. There are also some scratching scars on her face. Other than that, June's body has blemishes, moles, beauty marks, and etc. June herself, racially, is a native to Canada. With her roots coming from Germany, England, and Scotland. It shows in her distinctly European facial features. Speaking of which, we're going to be moving on to her fabulous face! Starting off, June has a, small, oval head, with rounded features that blend into each other quite well. June's cheeks are quite rounds, which aren't very apparent until the woman smiles. Then they become round and large as they get. June has a small, upturned, triangle shaped nose, that looks proportionate to her small, natural shaped lips. That don't have too much thickness to them, her bottom lip is much bigger, but they poke out a little bit. Usually, June puts on red lipstick to make them stick out more. June's jaw is thin, and smooth, and she has a slight jawline. She has a large and pronounced square chin with a cleft in the middle of it. June has big, round, vibrant, eyes that have a light-green color to them. Her ears are a medium, reverse-triangle, shape. June's hair is a straight, black color - that has been dyed jet-black (With a few streaks dyed dark purple) to enhance the aesthetic. She keeps it cut short, styled in a pixie-cut on the top of her head. The sides of her head are shaved, cut very short. As for her attire, June goes for a biker, or punk, style. Choosing leather jackets, jeans, and gloves over skirts and dresses. Though, June sometimes wears skirts, she just doesn't do it that often. Some of her clothes could be called immodest, as she tends to show a bit of cleavage, or reveal a little extra skin in general. Whether she's doing this on purpose, or is merely apathetic, is the question. She's a real big fan of boots though. She likes to wear them for style over practicality however. Which is why she's sometimes seen wearing high boots, or heeled boots. [/INDENT] [b]| H-CLASS: |[/b] [INDENT]NEPTUNE[/INDENT] [b]| ABILITIES: |[/b] [INDENT][i]Glass-Manipulation.[/i] June is the glass angel. She has the elemental ability to control and transform into glass. I'm going to start off with the manipulation aspect of her power. For starters, June can telekinetically control all glass (Regular, volcanic, plexi, etc) far as the eye can see and fiddle with it a bit. She can shape, and recolor, glass without breaking or melting it. Hell, she can make any glass construct long as she has enough material for it. June can also alter properties of glass to some extent. She can change the color, flexibility, hardness, and compact glass together to increase the density. Glass is a fairly hard material (But brittle), and it's fairly commonplace, so it's a pretty strong element to manipulate. A unique ability that June has, that ties into her ability to transform into glass, is that June can absorb glass into her body, which is necessary for a few other powers she has. June can also partially transform her body into glass, which is necessary for her next ability. Now, by partially turning her palms into glass, June can shoot glass shards, of various sizes, out of the palms of her hands. Another trick that she has learned is regeneration. It's a trick she learned by turning the wound into glass, absorbing some glass to repair the wound. Once she converts it back into flesh, all better![/INDENT] [b]| LIMITATIONS: |[/b] [INDENT] [list] [*]While June can manipulate glass as far as the eye can see, she has an [i]effective[/i] range. It's around fifteen-meters. Anything outside this range; she has a harder and harder time controlling. [*]June can only manipulate a certain amount too. She can only actively manipulate around one ton of glass. [*]More glass June manipulates, the less fine control she has. [*]June cannot create glass, herpaderp. [/list] [/INDENT] [b]| WEAKNESSES: |[/b] [INDENT] [list] [*]Glass is a brittle element. While it's technically harder than steel, there's only so much it can take before getting broken. Someone could pull out a bat, or a machine gun and destroy her constructs. Someone with super strength can easily punch through her constructs. [*]Glass gets softer under heats, easier to break. June can't really control malleable glass that well. It's melting point is high, but it can melt under a high enough heat. If it by chance melts, then June will lose. [*]June requires concentration when she uses her power. If she loses it, then all current usages of her power will be cancelled. [*]June's regeneration is not a clean and easy process. For starters, it isn't automatic, she has to actively will it to happen. Second, it's painful, requires concentration, and leaves behind scars. So she can't really regenerate on the fly. It's more of stop, absorb some glass, and find some cover so she can fix herself. However, the process will leave phantom pains lingering for awhile. [*]June's ability to absorb glass is essential to her power. Every time she uses her power, she uses up a bit of the glass that is inside of her. Once she's out of glass, then she won't be able to use her power until she absorbs some more and jumpstarts it. However, in order to absorb glass, she has to stop for a few seconds and focus. The process of absorbing glass will leave her vulnerable. And after every major use of her power, she will have to stop and absorb some glass. Do the math. [*]June [i]can[/i] turn into glass. Why that's down in the weakness section, I'll explain. Whenever June uses her power, she may accidentally turn a part of herself into glass, and lose function in that part. The bigger the use, the more of her body may turn into glass. She has to focus a little bit to make her body revert back into flesh, but it could leave her quite vulnerable. If someone were to break the glass, it would appear in her human form as a wound. Either a bleeding cut, or a missing piece of her flesh, which can and will get infected quite easily. It's possible for her to lose a limb, if it were to convert entirely into glass. If she were to go overboard, she could potentially turn her entire body into glass and die a quick death. On the brightside, she'll be a bitchin' statue. [*]June isn't immune to glass in any way. She could possibly cut herself if she isn't careful. [/list] [/INDENT] [b]| APPLICATIONS: |[/b] [INDENT] [list] [*][i]Offense.[/i] Glass, being glass, it is a fairly powerful offensive element. June can fire glass off in a variety of forms. Since she can shape glass into practically anything, she can make a variety of weapons/constructs. Glass can be [i]pretty[/i] damn sharp if she makes it that way. She can shred foes with large shards of glass, slam them with large panels of glass, or stab them with spears. More advanced offensive techniques would be creating glass "grenades" that send glass everywhere, a "glass storm" full of whirling shards, and etc. She could also crush the glass and toss it into someone's eyes. Blinding them for life! [*][i]Defense.[/i] Of course, glass can also good for defense as it is for murdering people! June can do the usual, and create glass panels (Or any glass construct, really) to act as shields. Her shields can take a bit of damage before going down. Alternatively, June can create an armor made of glass around herself. She can also turn this armor into an offensive technique, by enhancing the hardness of her punches, or making in the armor sharp to cut people. Since glass has a high-resistance to acid, it's also great for defending against those acid flinging morons! [*][i]Mobility.[/i] Movies give glass a terrible reputation! If the glass is thick/dense enough, June is capable of standing on it, and manipulating it in order to "surf" on it. She's capable of flying with this method, though it'll take a ton of balance and practice. [*][i]Repairs/Construction.[/i] Aside from combat, June's power has plenty of uses outside of a fight. As it was mentioned before, June can pretty much shape glass into anything. So she could make a cup. Or create a piece of art. She can easily repair broken glass. [*][i]Easy Entrance.[/i] June can easily enter buildings, quietly and discreetly. Since have you seen how many places have entrances blocked by glass? June can simply remove the glass, step in, and put the glass back. Which can allow her to break into houses, cars, and so on. [*][i]Minor-Telekinesis.[/i] Like other benders, June is capable of moving objects by covering it in glass, and moving it. However, this only works on lightweight objects. Anything heavy is out of her grasp. [/list] [/INDENT] [b]| SKILLS: |[/b] [list] [*][i]Skull-Knocker.[/i] June has done plenty of fighting all of her life. She doesn't have any martial arts training, but she certainly knows how to hold her own in a fight. She can throw one hell of a punch, and knows exactly where to hit someone to take them out. She also fights very dirty, since, to her, you don't stay alive by playing fair. [*][i]Vehicles.[/i] June has always had a fascination with cars and other. Since she was a little girl, her father worked in an auto-repair garage. He taught her plenty of things about cars. Like, how they work, what each part is and what they do, and how to fix them. She knows plenty about cars, and can easily spot issues with vehicles and more. What her father [i]also[/i] told her how to do is break into cars. June also knows how to drive pretty well. She can drive cars and motorcycles like a master. [*][i]Crime![/i] June has lived a great deal of her life as a criminal. While she's trying to turn back from that lifestyle, plenty have just stuck with her. June knows how to hotwire a car, pickpocket people, and sneak around and run like hell. She hasn't exactly been "[i]practicing[/i]" any of these skills lately, so they're a little rusty. [*][i]Knifeplay.[/i] June knows how to swing a knife around, she can hold her own in a knifefight too. But, through fiddling in her spare time (Due to another fascination), she has taught herself a few tricks. Well, not the tricks that could be used in a fight, but she can flip knives, throw them (Not very well), and do that cool knife-game thing from Aliens! [/list] [INDENT] [/INDENT] [b]| EQUIPMENT: |[/b] [INDENT] [list] [*][i]Motorcycle![/i] June [i]loves[/i] her bikes, and she has... "acquired" one in the past. A jetblack Harley Davidson V-Rod. It's her main method of getting around. [*][i]Knife![/i] June has a combat knife, and a few other knives she has gotten from the pawn shop. She normally uses the combat knife since the other ones aren't too practical. Only useful for flashy tricks. [*][i]Lighter & Smokes![/i] June's a heavy smoker, so she always keeps a pack of cigarettes on hand in case she needs to get her fix. She usually uses a silver lighter with a scorpion engraved onto the side to light her cancer sticks. [*][i]Glass![/i] June keeps a bag of glass shards in a little pouch, either on her bike, or hanging off her belt. [*][i]Regular Crap![/i] June keeps her wallet, cellphone, and so on, close to her at all times. [/list] [/INDENT] [b]| BACKSTORY: |[/b] [INDENT]It's dark and tragic. I'll try to be brief, since I don't really feel like writing a massive wall of text, and I spent too long rewriting this. So, if you haven't gotten it from her appearance section, June's a native to Canada. With her father being an automobile mechanic, and her mother being an agent of H.E.L.P, she didn't have to live in poverty. She was middle-class at best, and had enough money in order to support their various hobbies. Though, June didn't exactly have any hobbies that really interested her. She definitely wasn't the sports time. Writing and art didn't appeal to her that much either. She was the middle child to two sisters, both of whom were much different from her. Her mother was incredibly busy with her job, to the point where she wasn't around much for June's, or her sisters, youth. Thus, they lacked that strong feminine figure and had no choice but to fall on her father. They were pushed towards sports, and spent plenty of time in his auto garage. In there, June gained her love of cars, something about them fascinated her so much. There was so much she wanted to do with them, but she was turned down because she wasn't old enough. However, what she [i]was[/i] old enough to learn about cars. She was taught about what makes up a car, and other useful pieces of information. To the point where she could easily identify pieces. But that was the bright side they knew about him. Deep down, her father was a cold-hearted racist. He was apart of a Canadian Neo-Nazi group known as "The Pure". The whole automechanics garage was a bit of a front, he was fixing their vehicles, and committing hate crimes on the side. Still, he didn't let his family in on what he did, it was his secret. An easy to keep one since his wife was too busy to care, and his kin were too young to know what he was doing. Back to June, her school life wasn't spectacular. She wasn't exactly a social butterfly in school. She was a bit of a loner, because she felt that she didn't exactly mesh well with the other kids. So, of course, to them, she was some freak! She was also picked on for being "strange", so that did wonders for her. Fortunately, June could always fall back to her family for comfort. But what it did do for June was make her quite vindictive. Deep down, she wanted to get back at them, but she was told that it'd be foolish to try to do so. So she kept it inside of herself. Once June got older, she had found her place in the punk, and goth crowds. In highschool, she did plenty with the various book and debate clubs. However, her father was a very laxed man when it came to parenting. Perhaps too lax. The sisters were free to do as they pleased. June's sisters got involved in some bad crowds. The kind of crowds that like to go wild, hit up on drugs, commit thefts and vandalism, and jaywalk. They were certainly what you would call young delinquents, and they loved it. That taste of danger was something else. June was far more relaxed at that age, so she didn't exactly rush out to get her thrills from crime. All her thrills came from her books. Her powers had developed in a truly scary moment, all the windows in her house exploded outwards like a bomb had went off. Everyone in the neighborhood panicked, and they couldn't find any reason why this happened. Her family stayed in a hotel for a little bit while repairs and investigations went on. That's where she discovered her powers while looking in the mirror, she accidentally pulled a shard of glass off. She eventually realized that she could move glass with her mind. When she went home, she began practicing with her magic glass powers. She learned about the many applications of her power. But, she hadn't been careful enough with her practice. Her father had stumbled into one of her sessions, and learned about her power. June had feared that he would cast her out for it. However, his expectations had drastically changed. After a long talk, they decided that it'd be their little secret. Because... he had other plans.... What he saw in June was potential, she was a Hyperhuman that had control over glass. In other words, a walking weapon for The Pure to use. All he had to do was convince his daughter to join. Of course, that didn't exactly go too well, since she didn't want anything to do with The Pure. So he went for the more drastic "I'll reveal you to the world, disown you, toss you out, and etc" plan. That was enough to get June to work with them, reluctantly of course. Her first trial was simple, brutally attack an interracial couple. June had no choice but to comply. When they were getting back from their date, June made the glass from the windshield of their car fly into them. Cutting them up, but June was trying not to murder them, so they survived. It felt terrible, June felt horrible for what she did to those people. But it was only the beginning. Attack after attack, fight after fight, June was forced to go through it all. She was like a dog, whoever she was told to do, she did. Until she became used to it all, almost like she was adopting their ideals. She didn't feel bad about it anymore. She felt as if it was merely a subconscious desire to keep her father happy, and her life normal. As a result of this, June learned how to use her powers well. In and out of fights, she had plenty of applications for it. This went on for years, under the nose of her family. Heading out every night to commit crimes. She advanced through school - barely, however. She tried hard enough to get a pass, because she was exhausted (Physically and emotionally). It continued until two years before current events, The Pure were finally failing. Superhuman vigilantes were going strong, and disrupting their activities at every turn. Members were interrupted, beaten, and left for the police in the middle of attacks. The Police were also kicking The Pure's ass. Really hard. To the point where moral was running low, and there were less and less members. Other members cut their losses and left. While the loyal members, like June's father, stuck with them, and expected their best weapon to do the same. However, this was where June drew the line, and realized that she finally had a way out. During one of their meetings, June had betrayed The Pure in a spectacular moment. She drew all the glass she could, and cut them to pieces before they could even react. June didn't kill them, she merely left them for the police, or whatever vigilante was left, to mop up. However, she made sure to cut up her father extra good. With that, The Pure had fallen. June had left and went home. She confessed everything to her mother, who had forgiven her for what she had done, and forsaken her husband. Her mother and June had agreed to keep her past a secret, and try to turn her life around. Starting with getting a job as a waitress in some family owned restaurant. She was trying to raise money so she could go through college. Though, June had always wanted to put that power to good use. Try to stop the other crooks in this city. The plague that's running around the city is tearing the place to pieces. Hyperhumans going out of control. June didn't know what she could do to help with that, but she felt that her chance would come to her eventually. [/INDENT] [b]| SAMPLE POST: |[/b] [INDENT]The lights of this city glowed brightly, flash into the family diner that June so happily worked in. Known only as "The Stackhouse". Today (Well, tonight) the woman had the nightshift, and it was, well, the same as every damn night working here. Some rude asshat asks for food, she tells the chef what they want, and she comes back and gives it to them. It might have been a bit more tolerable if she wasn't forced into this uniform. A black dress shirt with white details, and black pants with a white skirt above it. Ugh. But, hey. At least the pay was good. She walked up to a table, which an elderly man was seated, likely in his late-thirties, early forties. Had a slight beard, a dress shirt, and a fedora. He sure as hell looked like someone who'd be hanging out in these diners late at night. She walked up, with a notepad in her hand that had a blue-ink pen pressed against it. She kept her face pointing at it, with her eyes wandering towards the gentleman. Kindly asking, "Can I take your order sir?" He took his hat off, and placed it on the table, before he scooted closer to the table. "Just a... coffee." He said with a casual grin. The kind of grin that made June think he was up to something, but she didn't know what. Maybe she was being paranoid, but you can never be wrongfully paranoid. She stared at him for a few seconds, wondering what he was up to. What crimes he has committed. What sins haunts him. He reminded June of those damn skinheads she used to roll with. It was funny how normal they looked. They waved at you as they watered their lawn, with a friendly smile on their face. Then they commit hate crimes behind your back. It was all accidental, really. She didn't realize that she was staring until he loudly cleared his throat. After ten seconds of awkward silence. "Okay, sir." June said as she quickly turned around and rushed off behind the kitchen door. "One coffee please." She said to the kitchen workers. She waded through the crowds of people until she found her boss, a similarly elderly woman of a very short and hunched over stature. She was yelling at the cooks that run the gears of this diner. "Can I take my smoke break?" "Yeah, yeah, sure." The woman replied, "But you have ten minutes!" Ten minutes was all June needed to relax. To clear her mind and calm down for a little while. June rushed right out the door and got into the alleyway between the diner and a store that are next to each other. Illuminated only by the single light above her head, she leaned up against the wall, kicked up one foot against the wall. She slid one cigarette in between her lips, and lit it with a silver lighter. June took one puff, arced her head back, and blew it in between her lips. She didn't really worry about the potential criminals and fiends that may prey on her. She has a Hyper-power, and apathy, on her side. Because who's going to believe the mugger that the tall woman with a pixie cut covered him in glass shards? A loud shout of anger pierced her nicotine high. June turned her head towards them, and realized that it was a couple arguing. Well, they were arguing the whole time. It's just that June didn't pay attention to them until they started shouting. Well, going on, there was a very tall and muscular man, getting a little grabby with a short fat chick. An odd couple, but who knows how these people hook up. She couldn't make out what they were saying too well, but it didn't matter. The guy was getting a little too aggressive for June's liking. She felt that she shouldn't get involved while on shift, but she wasn't the type to stand by. June rolled her eyes and kicked off the wall. She took a few steps towards them, and shouted, "Hey asshole!" She yelled to get their attention, mostly the Beefcake's. "How about you keep your hands to yourself?" She put weight onto her hip and placed a hand onto that one. That cigarette in between her fingers kept fuming grey smoke. "Hey! This isn't any of your business, bitch!" The man shouted. Of course he was the rude douchebag. June seems to be a magnet for them, and put a few on their asses. But, June didn't want to fight. She wanted him to go away so she can enjoy her smoke. She's pretty sure she spent more than ten minutes on this smoke break. Heh, maybe the boss would take this story has an acceptable answer. "It became my business when you decided to put your hands on her." June quickly answered. Taking a quick inhale of smoke, and blowing it in his direction. "Hey, fuck you!" The man shouted, as he rushed over and shoved June to the ground. She hit the concrete hard, and she instantly felt the pain shoot up her arm. She rolled over on her side, to get a good look at the dog fucker. Just in case he was going to stomp her. Okay, she didn't expect the asshole to start throwing fists that soon. But on the plus side, all she has to do is call the cops and get his ass. Wait, what is he up to? She hears the woman screaming. She pressed one foot onto the ground, and pushed herself up. She looked up and saw that the man was trying to shove the woman into the car. He probably thought June was out for the count. Well, time to prove him wrong with a little heroics! June turned the palm of her hand into clear glass, with sharp glass blades coming out. One shard came out at high speeds and pierced his leg. He hunched over in pain and let out a loud cry of pain. The woman cupped her mouth and took a step back. June, turned her hand back into flesh. In the blink of an eye, she was back to normal. The woman ran away. He was still yelling in pain. June had an odd face of satisfaction on. "Looks like you got what was coming to you." She said, before she telekinetically pulled the shard out, and threw it on the roof. June turned away,  and walked back into the diner. Wait, shit! It was twenty minites! Her boss is gonna kill her! [/INDENT] [b]| NOTES: |[/b] [INDENT] [list] [*][b]Themesong:[/b] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=41tIUr_ex3g]The Spine - Ashley Barrett[/url] [*]June is a smoker. [/list] [/INDENT] Iced fucking tea. I hope Wraith sends me some!