The same night, Alister had found himself starting upon his nightly shift. He worked a local electrician, doing maintinance during the night. Though the work was manual labor, the fact that he was a creature of the night certainly helped him in making the task even easier. It was a night like any other, heading out with a few tools carried in a bag around his shoulder as he stumbled slowly, bumping against the walls of the city. His knuckles trembled lightly, clenching them firmly to push himself off the wall again. His gaze wandering to the many posters warning about things such as himself, it even filled him with more frustration that he had to be even more careful than usual to not find himself at the bottom of an experiment lab, or another corpse to satisfy the human race. Lately he had been having less and less of proper nuitrition, filling him with growing urges and pains, weakning him every moment as he could hear the throbbing pulse along someone's tender neck. He was forced to hold himself back, at times he had instinctively stared at them before akwardly trotting off again. But tonight was clearly his worst moment of all, trembling and weakned to the point of desperation. He even thought that dying after a full meal might not be too bad... His ears twitched suddenly at a stranger's steps in the distance, his already desperate state making it all the more clear to him. He dropped his bag instinctively, his feet already pressing firmly against the ground before he even registered it. His eyes reddening with conviction, a crimson bloodlust gazing after the caped woman as his own hood fell down to display the rather normal look he had, clearly disguising his original form to blend further in. His vision was clouded, he might've not even registered anyone else at the time, his focus on quenching a certain hunger was rising beyond his own controll. He came only closer and closer, yet no sound came from him. He was hunting his prey, ever silent and watching as he suddenly dashed out to leap towards the woman, pressing his hands firmly towards her shoulders to try and press the woman firmly down against concrete. His trembling and desperate gaze wandering over the the loud and deafening pulse of the person, reaching to grasp and pull down the cape, his fangs already pushing out for the final moment to finally sink into her.. His head shook then wildly, pushing himself off her as he stumbles weakly back. He mumbles quickly, pulling his hood above his head to further conceal his crimson eyes and protruding fangs before dashing the way he came.