She saw him fall to the ground with what sounded like a hard fall. Aria ran over to him and knelt over the stranger. He was almost lifeless. Hie eyes a beautiful shade of red, glowing with the way the light shone on them. Eyes glazed over, not really moving. He was... dying? She bit her bottom lip thinking. What should she do? She looked up and down the street. Empty. Perfect. She grabbed the strangers arm and pulled him to his feet, he could barely stand so she put one of his arms around her neck. She wasnt a weak girl. It was mandatory for a lot of women to take martial arts now for self defence as it was mainly women that are being targeted by not only creatures but rapists and murderers alike. She began walking again, holding onto him so he wouldnt fall. She got all the way to the apartment with him, the stairs were tricky but she managed them somehow. Just as she got to her door she almost fell. Dead weight. He had passed out. Or died. She hoped it was the former. She wouldnt know what to do with a dead vampire. And it would be disappointing seeing as she got him this far. She unlocked her door and struggled through. She kicked the door closed behind her as she had to almost drag him in. She lived in a small studio apartment. She managed to get him over to the couch. It was the closest thing other than the floor. She took off her cloak and draped it over him. She didnt know how vampires worked. Very little was known to the public about them. Even if the cloak did nothing, it was a nice gesture. Now she had to wait for him to wake up. Hopefully that wouldnt take a long time. Though it was almost 2am now. carrying another person home takes a long time annoyingly. The sun comes up at about 4 so she ran around the apartment and closed all her blackout blinds. She had no idea if that was true or not if they burnt in the sun, but she would rather be safe than sorry. Once she was done she got herself dressed in more comfortable attire. Her penguin PJ's. She looked over the vampire again. She took off his shoes so he would be more comfortable. She took a cushion from the other end of the sofa and sat on it. She wanted to stay close by just in case. "Now... We wait" she said quietly to herself.