The man responded only lightly as she gazed over him, only being able to take in glimpses at a time as his weakned form easily buckled underneath itself, even having the woman starting to carry him. His eyes flickered only a few times as the view of the streets came to him, confusion hit him as the last image he rememered was of the woman's mesmerizing face. His lifeless form was dragged and lifted by the woman, into the stranger's apartment as a brief view of her floors came to him, fluxing back and forth between little luciddity and unconcioussness. The man was eventually placed upon the couch, laying there like a well preserved corpse. His chest didn't heave, he didn't make a single sound of even breathing. He was entirely silent as he laid upon the couch, perhaps peacefully so as he was covered in the woman's cloak. His head even being supported by the couch cushion. He was already weakned, even resting for hours would already do him very little, but it did manage to let him regain a small amount of strength back. His eyes slowly flickered open, the pure crimson color had suddenly fadded to a normal pair of green eyes. His hazefilled gaze slowly running from side to side of the strange ceiling. It took quite a while before he actually woke up, it would've been closer to four at midnight as he found himself slowly leaning upwards to sit on the new sofa. He knew he wasn't at home at least, blinking at the cape he was covered in as he slowly sat upwards in the couch, idly sparing a weary gaze around the room untill his gaze rested upon the woman adorning the penguin PJ's. He seemed rather akward at best, raising a slow hand to ruffle a few hairs in both confusion and curiosity. He spared another glance around the room, wondering if the goverment just was really good at decorating their cells before gazing upon the woman within the same room. "Ehm-.." He exhaled incoherently, still trying to gather himself. His toes wiggling idly, a strange feeling of not having his shoes on. "There's a woman... With penguins on her clothing... I don't have shoes on... I'm using a cape as a blanket... And I can't recount the last hours..." He tilts his head in thought. "I'm definetly not dead..." He pondered further, talking to himself if anything, even unsure if the woman was at all awake.