As the exit portal opened Elle, Wizardmon and the rest of the group flew through one after the other. Elle managed to land hard but picked herself up quickly enough while Wizardmon casually warped the air around himself so that it seemed as if he were only out for a stroll. With a sigh, Elle looked up at the sky and smiled, she was back home. Earth. "Wizardmon?" Elle whispered to her partner "Yeah?" Came the reply "Let's not do this again, please." She looked over at him and smiled wearily and gave a small laugh, which Wizardmon joined in on. Elle listened as many of the group decided to go for food, going their own ways and two making plans to chase down another villain. There were too many of those now, she wondered if she should offer her help but she'd been almost completely useless in the Digital World. She had a lot to sort out. She gave a shy smile to Leon as he left and eventually turned away herself, pulling her phone out of her bag she turned it on and sighed. "Hundreds of messages and missed calls, I think it's time I paid the parents a visit, Wizardmon, time to move on from everything, we have more to deal with, I'm not cut out for the fighting business, but if things work out.." Elle thought about her friends, the people who were counting on her, her parents and Leon, the man at the forefront of her mind. "If things work out then I'm the best man." Said Wizardmon, smirking. Elle laughed, it hurt, she'd been stupid for too long. Lifting the phone up and scrolling through the contacts, she walked towards the city "Lets find some food, I need to make a call." She found her mother's home number and took a breath before making the call and placing the phone over her ear "Hey mum" She began, "No, no I'm not dead, yes I was on the news, I remember the fireball I fought, he's my friend now." She paused as her mother worried about her and her father did the same in the background, their voices were rising, they were angry and scared but relieved "Mum I'm fine, honestly. No! I'm not Sam, I'm not stupid and I'm not going to die." There was a silence then, they weren't used to Elle bringing up the subject, she understood that. "He got hit and saved me, I'm thankful for that, but I don't need handled, mum. I'm my own woman now and I'm going to go back to school and maybe get a job." She had tears rolling down her face now, this had been a long time coming, it was hard for her to bring up but it had to be sorted, there was some finality in it at least. "I know mum, I love you too, I do. I will be careful, you can come meet me for food if you like? Okay, I know the place I'll see you in twenty minutes." She smiled and wiped her cheeks before looking at Wizardmon, "I hope the next few years won't be like this, kiddo" The digimon said, before hugging the emotional wreck of a partner he had been given. "You did the right thing and now we can tear up the town and get some food. Elle took the Digimon's hand and the both continued their walk and made it to the restaurant, sitting down and ordering four coffees and a load of fries to eat before awaiting the arrival of Elle's parents.