[u][b]Lord Theo Connington of Griffin's Roost[/b][/u] Theo leaned against the fence watching his young squire triple checking the horse’s saddle. His opponent, some knight distantly related to the Rowan family, still hadn’t turned up. The crowd were starting to get restless until Davos Rowan barged into the ground trotting up to his position with his squire running after him with three lances in hand. He was an overweight middle aged man with a scruffy appearance. The knight roared to his squire "Keep up you blundering idiot!" The squire was easily older than Theo with a dopey look about him, it was hard to tell whether he was just out of breath from chasing the knight or close to crying or even both. The knight was swaying about on his horse. "Well this should be easy." Theo said with a smile on his face before jumping up onto his horse. He grabbed his hair and put it into a pony tail. "Helmet... thank you... gauntlets... good man." As he finished putting on his gauntlets a man shouted. "Knights to your positions." "Pass me the lance Richard." Theo with the lance in hand waited for the flag to drop, it took another couple of minutes for the other knight to get into position, who was blaming his troubles on the squire. “Be glad I’m not like him lad.” Richard a few yards to the side of him looked up and smiled. The crowd was starting to get louder with anticipation. As soon as the flag dropped Theo nudged his horse into a fast gallop. He was aiming for the Knights head hoping to knock the old man off his horse in the first round. Theo had a good speed coming down the lane and his lance was steady unlike the other man whose lance was waving everywhere. The connection was exactly what Theo wanted, smashing the man in his face, a massive ringing sound was heard all over the grounds as the knight flew back off his horse and crashed into the floor with the helmet flying even further than him. The crowds started to scream with excitement. “Lord Theo Connington wins and advances to the next round!” This was heard all around the grounds as Theo slowed his horse down to a trot and took his helmet off. He turned his horse around to see if the knight was fine. He was rolling around on the floor with his squire panicking next to him. [i]Well at least he’s not dead,[/i] Theo thought. He moved on a bit and stopped the horse close to where the king sat and bowed. Then turned his horse around and celebrated with the fans.