[center] [img]http://data2.whicdn.com/images/23414449/large.jpg[/img] [b]5'1 || 112 lbs || Red Hair || Green Eyes[/b] (Ignore the sword... o-o) [b]Name:[/b] Kaida ("Little Dragon") Little [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Background:[/b] Kaida is the daughter of an Asian man and a European woman. To be precise, her father is Japanese and her mother is American. She goes to a school in Japan while her mother and father work overseas in America. They return every now and then to check on her. At school, Kaida is known as the Dragon and all who call her Little find themselves paying a hospital bill later. She is the leader of her school's gang, Fighting Dragons. Her school, because of reasons outside of her control is being moved and is joining with another school. Which, just her luck, is the school her former childhood friend controls. [b]School Uniform:[/b] Tadachi High [img]http://www.ezimba.com/work/150310C/ezimba16806073884100.jpg[/img] (None of these images are my own.) [/center]