Josh knew that Alyx' insistence on checking supplies nonstop was bordering on obsessive, but it kept her calm so he didn't say anything to her about it. Instead he stayed out of her way and answered any questions she might have. He didn't staying out in the woods. It was calm and quiet most of the time, and he liked staring out over the lake. It helped him clear his head. However, he couldn't deny that these were not ideal living conditions. They needed to be closer to a more reliable food source. They could probably catch some squirrels and fish, but certainly not enough to feed everyone. Josh's initial reaction to Blake being there was a quick glance, which he quickly shifted back to the lake. He wasn't ready to let go of his couple moments of peace just yet. He finally moved over to give the other boy a bit more room. Before any of the shit that was currently happening had gone down, Josh didn't make the time to talk to other people much, at least not the ones outside his small social group, which consisted of his twin sister, his boyfriend, and Alyx. But the first two were gone and Alyx was busy trying to keep him and the others alive. So he had no reason not to talk to everyone else. He knew Blake didn't want to talk about anything survival related; making plans, counting supplies, etc. He probably wanted a sense of normalcy, just like everyone else. "Hey," he said, pulling his gaze away from the lake and coming back to reality. "Sorry, I was kind of distracted. The water looks so peaceful. Kind of normal."