[i]"You and me both. When I was in the US Navy, I flew F-14's off of Nimitz-class boats all the time. Even did a couple of landings and launches off of the French carriers too. They're much less... unique. The Stormcloud is pretty much one of a kind. She was supposed to be the prototype for a next-gen carrier, but the bottom fell out of the project. From what I understand, General Thomas and the other founders of TB purchased the finished ship. Scrapping it would've been more expensive than finishing it off, I suppose. I'm told she has a lot more capabilities than just launch and recovery of aircraft too. While she's a lot different, a lot of its' good - there's a lot more space and more luxurious facilities than a regular carrier for a start."[/i] [i]Luxurious huh?[/i] Though not literally in the sense of the word from what Rodriguez gathered but agreeably the Stormcloud was well designed and maintained upon further inspection while he and his mates traveled into depths of the floating city. When he had first signed on with Thunderbolt Black, he was introduced to many on-paper facts about the organization and its iconic flagship but words absolutely did the vessel little justice. Rodriguez’s respect for his CO climbed steadily when Heartbreak spilled his own experiences of carrier operations during the war which made his background something of a developing interest; had he walked past or even worked with this F-14 pilot before without realizing it? However a great idea to explore, the moment wasn’t to be for reminiscing, especially when the pilot with the car ears came to the table. As Kat and Valentine shared their greetings and compliments to one another in regards to the previous battle, Rodriguez, finally having a better view, set his eyes on to the cat ears that sprouted from Kat’s head. Momma had always said that staring was rude to which he agreed to but this new physical concept had apparently marveled him somewhat. After a bit of time, he shifted his gaze to Austin and Marciano arriving at the table, nodding as they sat down and conversed with their CO. He had to ask Kat about those ears eventually; he swore the left one twitched. [i]"Anyhow, I think it's time we got moving. Don't wanna keep the boss waiting..."[/i] Rodriguez downed the last cup of joe upon finishing off his bagels, feeling more active now and refreshed. Of course he simply hoped that this would push him forward for the rest of the day though he was sure it was going to be a long one. He along with everyone else followed Heatbreak as he gave a miniature tour of the Stormcloud on their way to the briefing room, further impressing Rodriguez of the carrier’s layout and facilities. It wasn’t long until they had arrived to the briefing which everyone on the squadron as directed to take a seat until General Thomas eventually showed up. Upon Valentine’s order, the squad shot out of their seats and snapped to attention in regards to the presence of the General in the room. Rodriguez locked his heels and stood with a respectable straight posture with professional accuracy until they were put at ease by the head honcho of this operation. [i]"First of all, let me begin by saying thank you for your work out there this morning. I know it was a difficult situation for everyone, especially jumping into action from a standing start. And with your squadron, especially, not even being fully mobilized and stood up yet. Fortunately, since most of you were quick off the mark and in the air quickly, you avoided many of the casualties and damages others too…I hope that any of you with dependents on the Island have confirmed that they're all right and safe too. We're still working through everything - as you can imagine. If you haven't heard anything, pass a request to me personally through Colonel Valentine and I'll do my best to get an answer for you."[/i] Austin did mention a concern for his kids; Rodriguez hoped that everything was alright with his squad mate’s situation. He then noticed the lights in the room dimming down just before the illuminating pictures casted by the projector in the room painted the board. [i]"Regarding the events of this mornings' attack on Thunder Island, we now have a clear picture of what we can assume has transpired, especially with information that has come to light". [/i] Rodriguez, whether he could understand it or not, felt the rising feeling of distain as several slides showing photos and footage of a KKV satellite. His natural smile vanished into an ill frown as he remembered the recent strike from earlier and the attacks during the war to which many people had lost their live too and the destruction it had wrought. [i]"The weapon used to attack the island was a Kinetic Kill Vehicle; a ballistic non-explosive orbital weapon, like those used in the closing stages of World War Three. You're all familiar with the basic technology I'm sure, so I won't waste time by explaining. We can confirm that the device used was not of US origin, nor belonged to any allied powers with access to the technology. KKV satellites are safeguarded like nuclear weapons - multiple pass-keys are required to authorize a launch, as they're generally considered as strategic rather than tactical weapon systems, and the potential for damage - imagine if it had been a target like a large city - is staggering".[/i] Upon the brief silence, Rodriguez mentally thanked whoever for not including any clips of the weapon in use. It was bad enough he had seen more than once already, especially since he had to survey its results even more so. The carnage would only bring back bad memories. [i]"This is the device in part responsible for the attack. It's a ground-control station for a KKV launch system. Such devices are normally kept under full control and security of high-ranking government officials. As there are only four nations on earth with KKV satellites, and one of those is no longer a nation, that narrows things down. We believe that this is a former USSR or Chinese KKV launch control device. It was being turned over to UN jurisdiction via transport through Thunder Island as part of a clandestine contract. Somehow, the information was leaked, and someone took control of the device, and was able to override its' security lockouts. We have confirmation of who now possesses and controls it".[/i] Then came an internet video from one of the slides, its bad quality blurred much of the details on top of the lack of revealing light. Despite all that though, everyone could make out a brownish man in the center of the room shown in the video wearing was appeared to be military attire. Rodriguez continued to watch the video to better understand whom this person was if that actually mattered. [i]"The last Great War and its' excesses of violence, destruction, and carnage were the result of the so-called Great Powers of the west, the nations of the Northern Hemisphere and their self-righteous control of the worlds' economies, politics and culture. For too long, they have shaped and directed events. Now, after exhausting themselves, they turn greedy eyes to the nations below the equator, expecting to be welcomed with open arms. With one hand open they offer friendship, while the other clutches the knife to threaten us. No more - we now have access to the same weapons, the same power. We are the Army of the New World Order, the Southern Hemisphere Alliance, and we demand to be recognized-"[/i] The General stopped the video just as the man in began to ramble on about his or this coalition’s demands or goals; he assumed it was the same stereotypical nonsense one would see in a spy movie. Rodriguez was somewhat dumbfounded about this man’s political declaration and especially by the name of this organization; the Southern Hemisphere Alliance. Admittedly he was not one to delve into politics, not since the war and its entirety of bad decisions that should never have come to pass. But if he knew his geopolitical maps correctly, many of the nations in the Southern Hemisphere were hardly involved in the war at all. Which begs the question why all this then? [i]"They go on to demand that control of the stock markets be turned over to them, and a laundry list of other demands. Needless to say, normally they wouldn't be listened to, but this Army of the New World Order has recently become a big problem in Africa, as well as other areas of the world. Someone has been supplying them with weapons, training, and money to finance all of it, including hiring mercenaries. They recently launched a large and well-orchestrated attack on South Africa, along with others in Kenya, Peru and Argentina. There have also been reports of Australian and New Zealand Naval vessels being attacked by small craft, or buzzed by unidentified tactical aircraft. Whoever's behind this - and I have my suspicions who - is obviously setting out to make these people a credible threat."[/i] [i]More like overly angry pain-in-the-ass nut-jobs[/i] thought Rodriguez. [i]"Which is where your mission comes in. We know who has the device, this ANWO. We also have some positive news: The device was due to be turned over to Professor Silas Ellar, something of an... eccentric genius who works under contract for the US Military and their allies. He had developed an orbital jamming device that will be capable of blocking the specific transmissions made by the remote launch stations used by the former Soviet satellites; the intent being to avoid specifically this kind of situation, or worse ones with other potential facilities and systems. His satellite is almost ready to launch, and is currently under final assembly at his facility in French Guiana. The region is heavily destabilized, as I'm sure you're aware - the French Government have experienced difficulty in restoring order due to heavy guerrilla activities in the area, and I've no doubt that whoever's been supplying the ANWO will be providing assistance to these hostile groups as well".[/i] With the facts layout by General Thomas regarding the preparations to launch this special satellite and the destabilized region crawling with not-so negotiable insurgents, he surmised that their mission was to ensure that launch goes up without a hitch and to obliterate anything that so much as tries to get into site with a fifty cal or above. [i]"Your mission will be to secure the Professors' compound prior to, during, and immediately after the launch. We have efforts underway to gather intel on enemy forces in the area, and their bases. Disposition of their forces is expected to include armour and heavy weapons captured from other regional forces, as well as light aircraft, helicopters and some tactical aircraft - although, if our suspicions prove to be correct, they may have more advanced aircraft and even some light naval forces on par with what was observed this morning."[/i] [i]Called it.[/i] [i]"A pair of C-130's are en route as we speak to offload support equipment for your aircraft. One of them will keep supplies flowing back and forth as much as possible too. A KC-10 tanker will meet you en route for air refueling over the Caribbean, and I'm going to ensure an E-2 Hawkeye callsign 'Watchman' will be based in the area for AEW&C as well. I may have more pilots to join you once you're underway - currently, things are a little up in the air regarding our manpower, thanks to the earlier attacks. We don't have much time to waste; I'm aware there may be a leak in our organization, so this information might already be in the enemies' hands. As such, we can't delay. Your aircraft are being prepped currently, with any repairs well underway. You'll be flying with full fuel loads and minimal weapons - self-defence only, I'm afraid - but be prepared for a possible quick-turn once you reach the base at the other end. Colonel Valentine, I'll leave the rest to you. Good luck, and godspeed".[/i] Rodriguez watched as the General gave his final piece before giving the floor to Valentine whom took the center stage and went over the details left by General Thomas. [i]"All right, it's as the General said, boys and girls. We're headed South of the equator, to the sunny northern coast of South America. We'll fly as a group and tank en route. Our aircraft are currently being turned and fuelled. Austin, your F-15 needs the most work - fortunately, the damage appears to only be superficial, and they can change our the damaged components in a few hours. Everything else, I'm reliably informed, is looking square. Intel is spotty, but local assets will be able to give us more info. Currently, there's a few known positions for the enemy; we'll work on sorties hitting them once we reach the other end and have an idea of the security situation on the base. Everyone, sign out your personal firearms, hopefully we won't need 'em, but best to have 'em just in case. Personal effects are being flown up on one of the C-130's, so they'll be with us. Anything else you need, sign it outta the stores aboard ship."[/i] Going by Heartbreak's words, it seemed that all of their survival equipment was brought here in light of the recent chaos just for this mission. Rodriguez mused how long this sortie was in development until now. [i]"We ain't had a lotta time to get to know each other yet, an' I'm sorry about that. But y'all have impressed me mighty well so far. Here's how it goes - I give you the benefit of the doubt from here on. You showed me you can handle yourselves, that you're fighter pilots; heart-breakers and life-takers, through and through. An' that's what I wanna see. Professional, bad-ass aerial assassins whether yer turning bogeys inta scrap, or diggin' holes in the world with bombs, screamin' outta the skies. You follow my commands when I give 'em, you walk the line, an' I give y'all the respect you deserve, I treat you easy an' nice, an' we're all friends and happy-like. I don't wanna hard life - sure you don't either."[/i] Then came something Rodriguez didn’t think he would see again. His observant eyes caught Valentine’s expression shifting from a once optimistic manner to a near threatening countenance. The change telegraphed to Rodriguez what was about to occur next. His time as a flight instructor allowed him to relate once his CO’s voice came into play. He then began to wonder who in the room had or had not attended boot camp before. [i]"But, if you dick around, if you back-chat when there's lives at stake; if you question my orders or my authority and you make any aspect of working as a functional, effective fighting force unworkable or hard, I will make your life miserable, and you will fear my wrath. Everyone in this group depends on everyone else - there aren't enough of us to do otherwise. You don't have to like each other, you especially don't have to like me. But you have to respect each other, and the chain of command. Earn that, and show it in everything you do."[/i] It was clear that Heartbreak wanted a clear trouble-free operation and flight to which Rodriguez had no problem not arguing against. He gave a nod in compliance just his CO withdrew back to his smiling expression. [i]"You wanna be the best? Then show it in how much of a professional, bad-ass, kick-ass mother of a Black Knight you are. Not by snarkin' off and bein' the rebel without a clue. I said my bit - anythin' else you need to ask me, then go right ahead. I'll be gettin' last minute briefings and checks in the hangar from maintenance up until the moment we fly, or checkin' in with where the tanker and transports are, an' with the long-range weather in the ops room. Page me, and I'll let y'all know where I am. In the meantime, get yer shit together and get ready. I'll see y'all on the deck at eleven hundred hours actual. Dismissed"[/i] Most of Rodriguez's time was spent observing the maintenance on his own craft as it was refueled and re-armed. He stood firmly, already in his flight suit and survival equipment while holding his own helmet underneath his arm. Apparently the deck crew had found a large piece of shrapnel that had pierced the underside of the F-16 rather conveniently knocked one of the electronic communication components loose. It was theorized that the jagged shape of debris was hurled into his fighter seconds after the kinetic impact had flung it into the air. It was the only logical explanation for his radio equipment malfunction and thus Rodriguez rolled with it. It didn't take long until the small gash on the fighter was sealed up, making the aircraft combat worthy once more without any SNAFUs to speak of; heaven knows there were clearly enough that went down already. The time for the sortie to take-off was upon him when orders came in for the deck crews to start pulling the squadron craft onto the elevators that would bring them to the main deck. Rodriguez hurried over and joined up on the elevator, staying close his aircraft until it was eventually maneuvered on the main deck. Just as he reached the top half of the [i]Stormcloud[/i], he saw Heartbreak's and Razorblade's Super Tomcat scream into the air past him and the personnel on the deck. Once he saw Stalin's Su-35 preparing for launch, Rodriguez climbed into the cockpit of his F-16 with the canopy closing above him and locking neatly. After going over the initial flight checks with the deck crew, the Su-35 finally took off as well, leading the F-16V into the launching position. Deck personnel performed last minute checks before taking their positions around the fighter before the carrier blast shield rose from behind. Then came the moment Rodriguez had been waiting for; a single crew member in yellow who had lead him into position then lurched forward into a kneeling stance and pointed to runway, giving the signal to take-off. Rodriguez replied in kind with the already built-up thrust fired, throttling the F-16 forward just as the catapult beneath the fighter shot the craft down the strip. G-forces built on to Rodriguez as he pulled the nose up once he felt his F-16 was no longer on any surface. Now airborne and quickly gaining altitude, Rodriguez scanned the skies for his teammates before eventually coming across them in flight. He banked the fighter right and steadily maneuvered into formation with Knight One. "Knight Five, Spirit. Forming on Knight One's wing and awaiting instructions."