So there would be no comment on the tavern keeper's latter offer and just blunt acceptance of the former one? In that case an immediate fast-forward could be justified, especially if Kaedan really is too tired to feasibly do much of anything this evening. I'll make a quick post skipping to the next morning in the tavern soon, then... as soon as I find a moment to do so in. And technically yes, Rhaevnn, in the sense that damage sustained by a vampire's brain does real rapidly (as long as there's vampiric blood available, and if that wasn't the case for the brain I imagine one would have significantly greater problems than unconsciousness on one's hands), although as Shien has pointed out many times in the past, unconsciousness rarely last long in humans, either, unless they sustained quite severe damage. Usually one transitions between unconsciousness and sleep if one actually remains inert for more than a brief period of time, or just revives quickly.