There was silence, complete and utter silence. It was unnerving, normally Jack could hear everything. Even a cat's lights steps didn't escape his ears, his heightened sense of hearing never missed a beat. It was always like this though, the quiet brief moments before a battle. Each side waiting for the first shot to be fired. Even the animals seemed quiet, as if they knew what was about to go down. Jack found himself on a large battlefield. More of a city really. Massive buildings, large empty streets save for a few overturned cars, it all made him feel very small; despite the probability that he was the largest man there. On one side were his "allies", a group of raiders. Renegades, mutants, monsters, those were just a few of the names people had called them. Jack didn't care about any of that, it was all the same to him. The only thing that mattered were supplies. He didn't care what he had to do, surviving is what's important. And if that meant killing another man to do it, he was prepared for the consequences. On the other side were "normal" people. Humans born without any sort of ability. They considered themselves to be of a higher standard. Pure, not corrupted like him. Jack didn't care about that though. As far as he was concerned they were just a means to an end. That "end" being supplies. Suddenly his silence was broken. There was a scraping noise a few meters away from him, across the street. It was his ally Jack knew the sound all too well. He was slowly grinding his heel in the ground, creating friction. That same friction was going to be the conduit to his ability. The faster he scrapped, the hotter it would get. Soon he would send a large fireball at the enemy. Jack had seen it happen before. "It's quite the show," He often remarked. Nearly everything erupts in searing flames. It would create a panic among them, then Jack and his allies would rush in for the kill. It was a simple strategy, one that they used often. However not everything always goes to plan. This was one of that times. There was an ear shattering crack and immediate pain in his left shoulder. *** Jack awoke in a frenzy and found his right fist embedded deep in a tree. "Another dream," he sighed and pulled his hand out. He rubbed his knuckles casually. He always found it amazing that no matter how hard he hit something, he always came out unscratched. And yet, he touched the circular scar on his shoulder, even he wasn't indestructible. The scar hurt, no doubt the result of the dream. It was in that particular battle that he received it - a bullet. Like his fist in the tree, he had begun that battle with a bullet embedded deep in him. Of course that was a life time ago. He lives a much "cleaner" life now. Now he scavenges for supplies, rather than killing for them. "Ah fuck." He looked at the hole in the tree. Wood splintering was quite loud a thing, and he was sure that someone in the group would have heard it. It's not that he was a loner, but he didn't like talking to them. It was obvious that some of them, if not most of them, didn't like him. Riddled with ugly scars, he wasn't the nicest thing to look at while talking to.