She stood up quickly as he said he should leave. "No!... I mean" she blushed slightly as she felt embarrassed about near yelling. "You are weak... The blood bank in the hospital is heavily guarded because of recent events... and I don't think animal blood would do the trick for you would it? " She said as she made her way over and looked him over as she knelt down in front of him. "What is your name?" She asked softly as she smiled up at him. She didnt know why but she felt like she wanted to help him. He could have killed her so easily back then in the street. He didn't. Which means these creatures aren't wild beasts looking for the next kill like the media says, or at least... this one isnt. He is thinking, logical, coherent. Human like. And she would do her best to help a human. So why not this man? "My name is Aria. Aria Tully." She said sweetly. "Pleasure to meet you" She added with a cute smile.