Hello friends! I've been enjoying having a read through the ongoing adventure, between job interviews and such. I was searching through some documents on my computer and found a little something I thought you might find interesting. Seems at some point I'd started throwing together a Lessir language. Might make an interesting read for those interested. There's not a lot to it, and it's not the most thought out of fictional language but here's what I had [Hider] Sil - outside (the burrow) Röl - inside (the burrow) Silarfae - one who temporarily leaves the burrow Silarfa - one who left the burrow permanently Rölarfa - one who lives in a burrow Rfa - live Inré - die Hain - song Frulé - night Fralö - morning Asala - warrior Osala - guard (of a warren) Nasl - man Naslka - 'man pet', an isult to one who works with humans Hraka! - shit! Kafra - a worthless person, close to 'bastard' Hyil - why Hyö - what Arh - with Silén - travel (above ground) Afa - need Li - do Hri - I Hré - you (individual) Hra - we/us/more than one person Thaesar - a submissive greeting, 'I mean no harm' Hrathaersar - see above, 'we mean no harm' Séhalifé - a plea, 'I beg of you' Gröh - have Ki - no Hi - yes Mahra - place Frö - here Rithfa - warren So- - possessive prefix Sohri - mine Sohré - yours Sohra - ours/theirs[/hider]