Name Ali Ni Yuyn ( Alice Niyona Yung ) Gender Female Age 19 Appearance [img][/img] Ali is known as a 'baby-face', looking much younger (close to a 15yr) than her real age and to add to that baby-face look, she is awfully small her age as she only stands 5ft. Ali is known to be very skinny, her body is not bony at all as it is simply a genetic-disorder in which is common in her family thus her atheltic-looking body doesn't come from excercise, more like a genetic-thingy-majig. Ali tends to wear very light clothing, casually a brown, thin sweater, it has a very silky-look, though even Ali doesn't know the material. Her clothing is made to suit most of the seasons, seemingly carrying a backpack of which holds clothes that fit the four seasons, (one pair of clothing for each season) though she is wearing a holed-blue-sweater, the holes near the sleeves and at the tip of the bottom, and double layered 'skinny-pants' as, before the sickness her closet consist of skinny-clothing. Nationality South Korean Occupation: Baker - Artist Four Week History Ali stayed in Kingsmouth, and her parents were away in Washington D.C. The town was very small and was against Maine shores, it was mostly unknown and very tranquil. The virus wasn't near Kingsmouth and so when the Virus was fully known everyone in Kingsmouth crowded the gun-stores and the home-department stores and began getting ready. Ali didn't no what to do in that current time so she had to break into her parents lock to buy the required needs to get her supplies. Ali had stocked up on canned-items, water bottles, clothing, and storage, though she was smart enough and estimated the weight of each. Her nearby neighbors had known money and so she invited them inside thus they helped her barricade her home with the materials she had bought. (<---) The town was at first tranquil, Ali stayed calm and searched up the Flu's origin, Georgia. She had luck on her hands for the current week and so she packed up and began leaving, and so did others of who decided to leave Kingsmouth. She arrived at the airport in Vermont, though flight tickets to Washington were all taken. Thus they had to drive at least 2 weeks to drive towards New York. Information was scarce for her group and so she did not no where the virus was and so she was risking her and her two companions. A week later it was the half of the third week to her trip to Washington D.C, though sadly parts of the city were off thus her trip ended at a hotel that was very expensive. During her time in the hotel an infected-being had gone through the Security, hiding his or...her's? bite. Thus the infection spreaded through the hotel and unluckily Ali had to fight her way through at least three infected-beings, just to find herself running from a horde and then falling from a pit only to be a few feet away from the Walkers of which passed her, losing most of her items. Ali was forced to scour Washington until she found a group of people scouring the city as well. Items of Interest | [url=] Surival Pack |7.3lb|[/url] 4x Cans of Bacon-Beans 17x Arrows 3x Bottle of Water 1x Shirt 2x Pants 10x Pistol-Bullets --- Weapons 1x [url=]Bow[/url] 1x Fully-Loaded [url=] Pistol[/url]