Darren peaked and saw the knight was gone. Now was his chance. Darren dashed round to the wall and took out his grappling hook from his leather bag, swinging it three times and launching it upwards to hook onto the wall. He slowly climbed the wall horizontally and hopped over. He took a peak into the inner city, spotting the knight asking people the whereabouts of a thief. "Damn..." He said off handedly, looking for a route on the rooftops. He saw a house which had some distance from the wall. Darren couldn't judge the jump fully but in panic he took that route. He stood on the edge and made a leap of faith, reaching for the edge of the roof belonging to the house, but they slipped and sent Darren to the floor, crashing into some crates. Darren wasn't hurt but very annoyed that this was the second time he had failed the thing he was supposed to be good at. He didn't kid himself, he is not the greatest thief to live, but he had rolled out of the wooden remnants of the crates and slipped round the corner but anyone who came to scene would notice, especially the knight.