It was a cool twilight in Little Innsmouth, about 7, to be a little more accurate. People were all hustling and bustling to get where they wanted to go, be it a restaurant, their homes, or something a little more shady. Jane, was a fan of number one. She had just recently gotten out of detention, about an hour or two ago, and boy was she hungry. She decided to stop by this diner she knew of before reaching home, it had absolutely stunning food. She was sure Aunt and Uncle wouldn't mind, she was pretty much always home late, and she was paying with her own money. As Jane pushed open the door to the diner, her nostrils were graced with the incredible smell of cooking food. She could barely stop herself from drooling all over the slightly dirty tile floor. This was probably one of the main reasons to ever visit Little Innsmouth, the great local food vendors. She wasn't sure if any of it was authentic Dragonian cuisine, but god did it just taste like... a really good metaphor. Honestly all this food was messing with her head. She quickly sat down and ordered herself something to drink, tea. As the waiter left she put her gloved hand up to her mouth. [color=f26522]"I still don't understand why I have to hide you."[/color] She whispered to her parasite, Franky. [color=FFE5B4]"I've told you, they don't want people having parasites unless they're with the Renoirs."[/color] Franky explained, his voice slightly muffled by the fabric covering him.. [color=f26522]"Yeah, I know it's just-"[/color] She was quickly interrupted by the waiter coming back with her drink. She thanked him before returning to her conversation with Franky. [color=f26522]"It's just... I dunno. It's dumb."[/color] She said, taking a sip from her tea. [color=FFE5B4]"Yeah, it is."[/color] He whispered back, not loud enough for her to hear.