[h1]Gintoki[/h1] Gintoki paid no mind to Lucas as he left, instead deciding to focus entirely on his meal. It seemed strange, mainly because eating it repeatedly never let him get tired of the taste. Even if it was just a single serving of jello, being able to have this much power in a single bite... What the heck was this fruit in the first place? As he was about to take another bite, though, Gintoki noticed someone approach him- seemed like a punk from back home, to be quite honest. But he wasn't one to judge, seeing as how he didn't do many productive things back home either. "Nah, didn't exactly [i]know[/i] him. If you're wanting to remember where he's from, try looking at some of the games down at the arcade a few floors down." he said absentmindedly to the person before going back to his meal. [h1]Dio[/h1] Dio stared at the little Witch as she latched onto his leg and sighed. Even if this... Thing was an anthropomorphic black hole, having such a demeanor only confused him. But Charlotte alone probably wouldn't be enough. Recalling the World, Dio continued walking down the hallway in search of more backup. Maybe one more person could work...? As he continued contemplating things to himself, he remembered that Giorno had entered SE a while back after besting Diavolo... And, for some reason, had brought Polnareff's soul (now stuck within a turtle) with him. He couldn't fathom the reason, but the inevitable clashes that he had with the disembodied French idiot weren't exactly conducive to any sort of progress. "...Charlotte. Is there anyone else in the base who can spare some time to deal with this issue?" he asked, turning his head down and smiling at the Witch. [h1]Kakine[/h1] Kakine blinked and sighed at Marisa's actions before forming another earpiece in his hand and attaching it to his ear. "You put it on like this, and you flick the switch to turn it on and off." he said, going through the motions as he adjusted it on his ear. "I want to do a preliminary check before anything else, though, so you I ask you to put it on and not shove it under your hat like that? needless to say, it might get damaged or you might lose it while flying or something. Sighing, Kakine looked at his meal once more before flagging down a waiter and requesting that his meal be put to take-out as it was. The waiter took his noodles and, nodding, went off to go fulfill his request. A minute or so later, the waiter came back, this time with a container holding Kakine's food. Thanking the man, Kakine placed his food to the side and waited for the others to finish their meal and whatnot.