[b]Name:[/b] Sindy Horigami [b]Nickname:[/b] Sindy "Horrorgami" Normal: [img]http://cs323928.vk.me/v323928385/2cd5/egn9fjePN6E.jpg[/img] Psycho/Possessed: [img]http://img1.ak.crunchyroll.com/i/spire1/70d3f9c51f1f457e9145ab4025f90f281381364102_full.jpg[/img] [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Sexuality:[/b] Bisexual [b]Personality:[/b] Normally, Sindy is viewed as a sweet and rather innocent girl. She can be very sociable and likes company (despite having the lack of such things), but at the same time doesn't mind being alone. However, if you make her angry, like she is an uncontrollable nightmare - a cold and ruthless psychopath. She will resort to highly cruel and violent tactics, lashing out at her foes at remarkable speeds, usually ending in bloody deaths (with a great chance of gore). [b]Magic Type:[/b] Caster [b]Mage Rank:[/b] Mage [b]Magic:[/b] [url=http://fairytail.wikia.com/wiki/Teleportation_Magic]Teleportation[/url], [url=http://fairytail.wikia.com/wiki/Telekinesis]Telekinesis[/url], and [url=http://fairytail.wikia.com/wiki/Satan_Soul]Satan Soul[/url] [b]Spells[/b] Teleportation: - [url=http://fairytail.wikia.com/wiki/Direct_Line]Direct Line[/url] Satan Soul: - [i]Satan Soul[/i] - In this form, Sindy transforms into a demon with both black clothing, black feathery leggings, and black bird-like wings. Even she herself does have some feathers on her arms as well. She has the ability to fly, has enhanced durability and speed, as well as immense strength. She is also resistant to many ice-spells. [hider=Satan Soul Design][img]http://img0.joyreactor.cc/pics/post/anime-Fabled-Grimro-gothic-lolita-679635.jpeg[/img][/hider] - [i]Satan Soul: Bahamut[/i] - In this form, Sindy transforms into a demon with red clothes, black leggings, curled horns, dragon-like wings, and even reptilian arms and claws. She does inherit some scales that act as minimal armor. She has the ability to fly, has enhanced speed and strength, and can also wield fire attacks towards her opponent. This also means she is resistant to fire. [hider=Bahamut Design][img]http://img-cache.cdn.gaiaonline.com/cf6e8792624e7554747f412fe67b8c70/http://i922.photobucket.com/albums/ad61/Isabo-Ruska/DemonAnimeGirl.jpg[/img][/hider] [b]Biography:[/b] Sindy was born in a very strict family. Yet for several years during her early life, she lived a rather happy life. That is until the strain of money began to emotionally and psychologically affect her parents, mostly being her mom. Her dad was working excruciatingly hard to support the family, usually staying up for late hours. He sometimes doesn't sleep at all for a day or two. Sindy's mother stayed home, but was highly abusive to Sindy, wanting her to become the perfect citizen. She would hit her, spank her, yell at her, and she even took some things to the extreme, going as far as occasionally locking her up in a cage for several hours until letting her out. Think of it as an extreme "time out." While Sindy's father was objective to his wife's severe treatment of Sindy, he did little to nothing to stop her. This lead Sindy to become utterly depressed, though still acting happily in school to the best she could, only to grieve of coming home. Yet by the age of 13, Sindy finally snapped and managed to murder both of her parents in cold blood. However, she killed both of them with magic powers, that being by turning one of her arms into that of a demon. Never had she or her parents suspect that she ever had such powers. Despite having much glee in killing her parents, Sindy realized the reality of her action and fled her home town, moving to Magnolia to start a new life for herself. For two years, Sindy had lived on the streets alone. She sometimes went into fits of rage and anger, killing anyone that threatens to harm her. However, she had seen operations performed by the guild of Fairy Tail, inspiring her to become a mage herself. Still living alone, she occasionally went into the nearby forest where she trained alone, discovering new powers and abilities for herself. She was able to discover [i]Direct Line[/i] (which allows her for a faster mode of transportation), master her [i]Satan Soul[/i], and even found a new type of Satan Soul, which she calls [i]Satan Soul: Bahamut[/i]. However, no one, not even Sindy herself, knows how she was able to master such powers without an experienced sensei helping her. She currently lives alone... [b]Other:[/b] Sindy wishes to have a boyfriend and plans to protect him for the rest of her life.