Matthew sighed and followed alongside them pushing through the crowd. "Fine, you got me. I want to test my skill, only so much you can learn from facing offended Nobles and Knights in honor duels and bandits in Valm are weak compared to the people I've faced here." He sighed and drew something from his pocket. "As for trusting me, you can take this as collateral, it's my family pendant with a portrait of my sister in it. It's the most valuable thing I own. Listen I don't want this fight for the money, I want to learn and grow as person and a tactician, I'm out here for two reasons, to make friends and to become a better warrior. I want to learn and grow from my fights but you can't learn unless you fight someone tough enough to teach you." He said matter of holding an ornate gold locket, the outside was craved with one side symbol of Naga and the other the symbol of his house, if you flicked it open you find a painted picture of a young women, dirty blonde smiling softly at it, it looked as if she could speak any moment. "So fight with me or go about your business, your choice sir."