[b]Nono, Restaurant District, Yggdrasil[/b] Whilst dealing with her taste buds being on fire, Nono noted what the rest of her friends were doing, the taking, and how they enjoyed their food. Saber certainly was enjoying herself, practically glowing as she ate each dish. She didn't seem to be any closer to stopping, as usual, but it was certainly amusing to watch. The gynoid stopped then as the question was brought up, running through several situations as she hummed, finger poised on her chin. It was a conundrum, given her knowledge of Yggdrasils defenses, as well as the events of the fight in question. There were several options that presented themselves, and she quickly went about narrowing them down as she stopped eating. "Well," she began. "They could have discovered new technologies that we can't defend against yet." Not the best news, but if it were simply new technology then it would just be a matter of finding something to counter it. The multiverse was a big place, so it was very much reasonable that they could have discovered new devices not yet covered by their present defenses, and it was certainly something covered by high command. But there was another reason, one she was more hesitant to voice. "Or....they had help from the inside." One could never discount a traitor in their ranks, though the thought of it was chilling. But Nono was confident that Onee-sama would know what to do. --- [b]Misaka 10032, Client World Macross[/b] Misaka observed quietly, eating her meal as she watched Marisa receive the earpiece. She had to wonder how exactly the Witch had been unable to locate a similar device elsewhere, given the prevalence of the technology, but she had to remember that not all worlds were as advanced as Academy City, so the technology might not be as prevalent. She fell silent, finishing her meal which left her feeling quite satisfied and not hungry at all. With dishes empty she rose then, picking her stuff back up as she looked over at Kakine and Marisa, running through a mental checklist. They were still stuck here until the portal was fixed anyway, so they would have to find something else to do. "'That meal was satisfactory,' Misaka says with her hunger eliminated," Misaka told them. That said, she turned and walked off, intent on exploring more of this world while they had the time. --- [b]Cinder Fall, Shadow Eternity HQ[/b] Cinder arrived to find the Leader fawning over that capsule she had so recently recovered, the one she hadn't really bothered to tell the rest of them about. It was one of those things Cinder found herself wondering about, what it was and why she needed it. She planned to find out the answer to that, but for the moment she gave it a glance before turning her attention to their illustrious Leader. "Not in particular," Cinder replied, practically purring as she answer the question directed her way. "I just felt it worthwhile to talk to you. For example, that there." She gestured to the capsule. "What is it, and why do we need it?" the corners of her mouth turned up in a smirk. "If you're willing to say, anyway. Hearing the objectives of our Leader beyond the simple destruction of the UMMA."