[b]Engine Room[/b] Risa moaned as she started to wake up. She could tell that her pillow was missing and without opening her eyes she looked for it. He alarm had not yet gone off, so she was going to sleep until it did. That was until she felt that she was not touching the hardwood of her home, but something else. She opened her eyes and found that she was not in her bedroom or even her office. She thought for a second if she had gone out the night before, but she clearly remembered that she had gone to sleep in her bed. She noticed the door and quickly ran to it and tried to open it, but since it was locked it did not budge. It was at that moment that she realized the she was trapped in the room. She took a deep breath in attempt to keep herself calm. She was in a strange place and she could not afford to panic. If she was kidnapped by someone then it was only a matter of time before they came back. Maybe she could hide and get them from behind when they came in. She started to look around and that was when she noticed that she was not alone. Her thoughts went from kidnapping to black market organ ring. Why did she have to think about things so negatively all the time. 'stay positive,' she told herself mentally. At least she was not in the room alone. She made her way over to the male that was beside the horn. "Let me guess you went to sleep in your bed as well?" She had heard him say hello to the horn she decided to see if there was going to be a response. She knew very little about how these machines worked. She had studied accounting and was a writer now. Give her something to do on paper and she would be able to do it. But to actually get these things to work or get out was another thing. "I'm Risa."