Matthew laughed as they walked towards the fights. "If I ever up on the other side of you two, I'd change allegiances. It would mean living longer, don't worry, I have a trick to dealing with mages, they don't take pain well so I lay down few thunder shoots maybe a fire ball or two. You two move in while I make them dance and get a cut in and there out, oh and Jiro don't call me Matty. It's Matthew and relax, tacticians only give orders when they commanding soldiers, no offense but there's a difference between mercenaries and soldiers, soldiers listen and fight, mercenaries just fight." He said stretching out his arms with a grunt swing them loosely as drew his spell book. As they neared the place he smiled and walked up to the bookie. "Found a couple of tough guys, were taking on the Monks, can you set up everything?" He said with a smile the old bookie just grinned. "Kid, your good but I'm still putting up 15 to 1 odds in favor of those priests, if you win I'll be here with your cut." He said and disappeared off to set up the fight as Matthew walked back over to Jiro and Zaku. "There setting up the match now, this ought to be good. He's got 15 to 1 against us, I say he's under estimating us, especially if you two are as good as you appear. I've always been a good judge of fighters, comes with the job, anyway lets try to win this, I'd like to get back to the inn meeting a pegasus knight later to share a drink and swap stories."