[center] [img]http://i.imgur.com/1iBw8Dg.jpg?1[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/QuKOQGq.png[/img] [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CTF-kHH3b_M]Terms of Events[/url][/center] [b]Back at the Free Wind:[/b] It wasn’t the best morning to wake up to. There were far more peaceful stirrings, those which involved a few rolls in bed, mumbling calming words and facing the endearing sun head on. Unfortunately not a single window was present within in Drew’s room, in fact it barely deterred from how it appeared the day his two other cargo guards and himself were hired for a full time job. It was wellpaying and full of lethargicy, since at this juncture they had their new and young recruit doing most of the handywork. Yet he could feel no remorse for the poor teen, as his stomach was in enough turmoil to take presidence over anything else. His belly let out a loud rumbling, like a storm was brewing within him, soon to be expelled in one fail swoop. Thankfully, his room had its own bathroom, and not a moment was wasted before he lept his way into the tiny stall. After taking a few painstaking minutes to relieve himself, he slithered his way out of the laboratory and began to dress himself. He followed the required dress code his peers had instated when they first began this service. The guard draped himself in a cyanic bulletproof vest and a police uniform, one which belonged to the trio’s previous profession before being honorably discharged. Lastly, he slipped a [url=http://i1.minus.com/iS30lPU2Vf6pP.jpg]helmet[/url] over his head, and made sure it was firmly fastened and tightened before slinging his [url=http://th09.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/f/2013/285/3/0/snow_leopard_by_shockwave9001-d6q57xl.png]marksman rifle[/url] over his shoulder. The man never got used to seeing the world through a visor. The small cutout of glass acted as a medium, a wall, something miscontruding his vision of his surroundings. But it kept his face and true identity from others eyes, yet he also never wrapped his mind around the fact that Varren always opted to wear his own outfit. No helmet, nothing protective, just a hoodie and bare flesh. Granted, he was quite the lanky individual, but bullets were bullets, through and through. He let out another groan as his stomach grumbled angrily while taking his first step out of the door. [b][i]”Damn it, bombs away!”[/i][/b] He yelped as he dropped the firearm and dashed back into the bathroom to wage one more war against himself. [i]”Damn it, how did Varren know that food was bad?! Does he have a sixth sense or something?”[/i] After all, the young lad did recommend the trio to not feast upon unknown food. At their last stop, they had consumed quite the hefty amount, like a pack of gluttons. There must have been some poisonous factor, under the secret identity as a [i]secret ingredient[/i]. Or maybe it was just that the boy’s picky as hell. Regardless, he was free of dietary distraught while the remaining three were left to writhe. After the firefight within the bathroom had ceased, Drew finally made his way to the top deck. There she was, standing with that ever so captivating expression as she ruthlessly kicked the short-circuited machinery. The elegant flow of her hair, the power surging with every kick, the spree of gunshots in the dis- Wait, Summer didn’t eminate those kinds of sounds, only curses and obscenities left her perfectly sculpted lips. A few muzzle flashes in the distance caught the guard’s attention, in response he drew his firearm and aimed down the stacked optics. He closed one eye while peering down with the other, keeping his breath reticent as he awaited the appearance of life. And not to his surprise two individuals broke through the evergreens, both seemed to be polar opposites of each other. One was tall, and appeared to have the strength to snap a human in two. [b][i]With his pinky.[/i][/b] They were unarmed and seemed to be fleeing from something, perhaps they were the receivers of those bullets. After a few moments he saw his sights upon the shooter, submerging from the forest cladded in a very familiar uniform and with a pistol in hand. The man came to an abrupt halt to take aim at the two escapees, but to his demise Drew was the quicker of the two. A silenced round wizzed past the two citizens and lodged itself in the man’s shoulder. The round entered and exited in one fluent movement, accompanied by an explosion of red liquid upon its egress. The soldier let out a pained cry as his hand rushed to take hold of the gash, yet another projectile to his chest ceased his existence. The two remaining individuals seemed peaceful enough, yet to be safe Drew kept his firearm trained on the two. [b][i]”They don’t appear to be armed, Summer. What is our choice of action?”[/i][/b] He asked to his side, keeping the barrel trained on the two as they approached the freighter. [b]Meanwhile back in Krukow:[/b] Varren wasn’t expecting to come face-to-face with a combatant trained in the art of broom combat. What else did this backwoods town have up its sleeve?! Building-lifting elders? Monsters in the lakes? [b] Fair trading prices?[/b] The possibilities were endless, and the young guard was entirely cast out into the void of the unknown. Drastic times called for drastic measures, and a girl only a couple of years younger than himself qualified as lethal, especially one armed with a broom. A quick jab to the throat could collapse one’s airway instantly. Before Varren got his ass royally kicked by the broom ninja, a saving grace stood before the girl, a blonde boy of similar age. The guard let out a sigh of relief and shook his head in response, [color=#d60000]”No, I’m proud to say I am not a conscript of the Crucible.”[/color] He arched his back an inch at the jutted finger, [color=#d60000]”Why yes, I am from that crashed ship over the horizon. It wasn’t the softest landing, but it was… manageable.”[/color] The sound of crumbling concrete caught the teen’s attention, his eyes traced themselves to the sound and gazed upon the roof of a building collapsing. The boy grimaced at the sight and shook his head, [color=#d60000]”Already begun… Damn it.”[/color] The guard cursed in remorse, wincing as he turned to the two teens, [color=#d60000]”If you know how to repair damaged machinery, you’ve got the job. I’m sure Summer will gladly give a free ride off of this island. There’s not really an alternative plan, given the Crucible’s presence. My co-worker should keep them occupied.”[/color] He motioned his head in the direction of the forest and readied his SMG, [color=#d60000]”Well, let’s get a move on. I’ll keep us out of danger, don’t worry.”[/color] He made a kind smile at the two, yet the greeting expression quickly faded away and was replaced with stern eyes. Varren raised the tecpatl and began to make his way down the blow, with Aubrey and Emery in tow. [color=#d60000]”Oh, if you don’t mind me asking, what are your names? I’m Varren. Varren Yinyues, Ex-officer of the Lemnos Police Department. But currently, I’m an employee of the Free Winds. Pleased to meet your acquaintance.”[/color]