[hider=Isaac Santos] [centre][h1]ISAAC SANTOS[/h1] [img]http://i.gyazo.com/1ac52da95684cd8b426e539fb25fb528.png[/img] [h3]GENERAL INFORMATION[/h3] [b]Full Name[/b] Isaac Andrés Santos, Jr. [b]Species[/b] Human [b]Age[/b] 27 [b]Gender[/b] Male [h3]PERSONAL DETAILS[/h3] [b]Personal Profile[/b] Isaac is very hesitant to trust people. He truly does have a good heart deep down, but after a lifetime of it being constantly abused and taken advantage of, he has locked it away and changed his whole attitude. He lives in an environment of killers and thieves - so the best way to survive is to make yourself look big and cocky. Because of this, he may come across as arrogant and aggressive to some. But this is just a façade, as when he gets to know someone and begins to enjoy their company, his personality completely changes - he is no longer concerned with giving off a menacing presence, and is much more relaxed and natural. Though this is a rare occurrence. Isaac has a quick wit, and would be considered quite charismatic by most. He can talk his way out of things and charm his way in to things. He gained his skills with words due to living in a world of liars all of his life - he became one of them. Killing is not easy for Isaac. After his first kill, he spent weeks without a good nights sleep, the guilt and regret crippling him. It became easier, to the point where he can pull the trigger without flinching. But he still suffers nights without sleep every now and then, whenever he accidentally falls too deep in to his own thoughts. [b]Sexuality[/b] Heterosexual [h3]APPEARANCE DETAILS[/h3] [b]Physical Appearance[/b] Isaac stands at a commanding 6'1, a height that is above average for his species. This, coupled with his athletic body structure, gives Isaac an intimidating presence, at least for a Human. One would generally assume that Isaac is Caucasian given his appearance. However, he is technically mixed-race, his father's side of the family having Afro-Brazilian origins. Tattoos run down both of his arms and partly across his torso. Isaac's rough, dark-brown hair is shaved down at the sides. On top of his head, it is grown out, yet kept short. His facial hair can vary, but Isaac is most often seen with light stubble left to grow on his face. It's colour is identical to the colour of his hair. His eyes are a light brown that contrasts with his pupils in an uncommon fashion. Down the left side of his head until just above his left eye, Isaac has an unmistakable scar given to him during a childhood knife attack in which his friend was killed - he was only 14 at the time. One the left side of his neck he has another scar, a fairly large wound that he received during his work as a mercenary. [b]Clothing and Armour[/b] When out of his comfort zone, Isaac is usually always clad in fairly heavy mercenary gear, typically solid black in colour. When in a safe area, which is rare considering he is stationed on Omega, Isaac wears casual clothing. [b]Equipment[/b] Isaac carries a standard issue pistol and assault rifle. He has basic training for the use of other weapons, including sniper rifles, but he is most acclimatised to the two he carries. [h3]SKILLS & ABILITIES[/h3] Isaac was a soldier for several years of his life, meaning he has impeccable physical fitness and many skills when it comes to combat. He can shoot a gun with accuracy and is versed in hand to hand combat. He is by no means the most skilled in these fields, however. There are many out there that are better gunmen than he. However, where he lacks in these fronts, he makes up for in his biotic abilities. He is no master of biotic, but he manages to combine his military skills with his biotic powers to make himself a very competent fighter. Additionally, if it is considered an ability, Isaac can often talk his way out of problems. [h3]BIOGRAPHY[/h3] Isaac was born on the Human colony world of Trident, a planet renowned for it's vast salt oceans and it's dangerous, lawless cities. He was born and raised on the planet's capital, New Cousteau, by his mother alone, as Isaac's father left without a trace sometime after his birth. Isaac doesn't remember his father, and frankly, he doesn't want to, as he only holds contempt for a man who'd leave a young mother. Isaac may love his mother dearly, but she was no model parent. She may have taught him well, tutoring him throughout his youth and giving him a great amount of knowledge in the process, but she never showed him any kind of love. She hit him, sometimes, when he was a boy, when he was too small to resist - and when he go older, and he could resist, he didn't, because he didn't want to hurt her back. He was a good kid, but it didn't last. When he was exposed to the harsh reality of the outside world things changed. His best friend for as long as he could remember was killed in a knife attack when he was only 14, and he was cut across his face, initially quite badly injured by the incident. Luckily, the hospital patched him up well and he got away with his life. But not his innocence. That day was very important for Isaac. From then on he was never the same. He was introduced to the dark side of Trident over the next two years. He got quite involved with criminals and almost lost his life on two occasions. During this period of time he discovered that he had biotic abilities, though they were never powerful enough to use effectively. His mother was horrified by all the things he had got himself involved in, and begged him to stop. She told him to enlist in the Alliance Navy, to escape from this world and to find a new way to live. This was perhaps the first time his mother showed how much she cared for him, so he did it for her. He was shipped off-world aged 16 and trained to become a soldier. It was not how he expected his life to pan out. Then again, he had never really thought about it. The training was demanding, and it pushed him to his limits. But he excelled and proved himself to be quite a force. He was given an implant to amplify his biotic abilities and make them useful on the battlefield. He was sent out in to the world as a soldier. He kept in contact with his mother every few days, telling her about his new life. It seemed she really cared. Perhaps she didn't really notice how much he meant to her until he left, but it made him feel stronger when he realised she did. During his travels, he began a secret relationship with a female colleague of his, despite rules barring him from such affairs. They were together for several months, to the point that he believed that he could have loved her. He later found out that she betrayed him, and he was crushed. He found the man that she had been with, and he beat him to the point that he had to be hospitalised. He was then suspended by the Alliance - to which he responded in a flurry of anger and passion, firing insults at his superiors before resigning completely from the navy. There he found himself, 21 years of age, out in the world, alone. His heart broken. All of his ties, cut off. He was alone. He spent the next two years doing odd jobs around the citadel, trying his hand at several professions but failing to get a steady job in any of them. He struggled greatly, and became ashamed of himself, deeming himself a failure. Because of this, he stopped calling his mother, he couldn't deal with the humiliation, and he didn't want her to be disappointed in him. Two months later, he received word that she had passed away after a serious infection. Broken and downcast, Isaac found himself questioning what life had to offer. After some long weeks of inward thinking, Isaac concluded that he had nothing left to lose and nobody to be disappointed on him, so he left the Citadel and headed for the dark side of the galaxy - the Terminus systems. He spent the first two years there on board a Smuggler ship, before starting work as a small-time mercenary at age 25. He was later recruited in to the Circle of Absolution.[/centre][/hider]