Matthew smiled and raised a blade, it seemed the crowd was enjoying this, he smiled and bowed to his opponents staying silent, he didn't like boasting of taunting. He preferred a tough and simple fight. As the match began he hung back following the others lead in to the fight. Matthew had to dodge a few stray spells as he followed up behind the others going right up the middle, he dodged some and others did little damage as he slide past them. He smiled at the one taking aim and unleashed his magic on them, twin bolts of fire flew from his hands as drew his sword and charged forth. Seriously, they were each taking one? They must not be smart, would have been better to focus and take out one at a time, he had the best each of surviving there attacks so why no focus on the others and bring them down first. He swung at the monk. "Sorry but I'm Anima user, so your magic just stings a little.