Name: Steven Riley Burton Nickname: stevie ( more are earned during rp) Age: appearance: 16 real age: 190 Gender: male Crush: none (yet) Relationship: none (yet) Species: half devil half fallen angel Role(student, teacher or staff?): student Appearance(s): [img][/img] [hider=demon/ fallen angel form] [img][/img] [/hider] likes: extreme sports ( mostly skateboarding, snowboarding, wake boarding and wave surfing) woman chicken curry hand to hand combat party's showing off spicy food sleeping magic dislikes: weapons reading sitting still learning zombies Personality: steven doesn't really think allot about things he mostly just do them or say them without thinking. it one of the reason why his motto is "don't think, just do" it is a reason though steven does allot of crazy things and is kinda known as a crazy person by friends and family. he always tries to be better then himself and top himself over that until he makes it. his life goal is to find what he is capable of doing no matter what the cause. he likes to be around people although not to many just a couple of good friends and a few girls just is just enough for him although he would show off a bit because of the girls History(optional): Schedule(Look above CS for suggestions): Homeroom, 1.Magic class 2.Sparring Class 3.Music class Lunch 4. Gym/P.E. Other: always carries a skateboard with him and isn't afraid to use it in the school Dorm #:28