She smiled at him as he requested to stay at her house. "You are welcome to stay as long as you like." She smiled. She got the feeling that he was going to leave and not matter the amount of persuasion she would try. He wouldnt change his mind. She looked a little down at those thoughts. The brightness in her eyes dimmed a little as she looked down from his gaze. "You will always be welcome in my home." She added softly as she looked back up at him. "As for your debt. You have already repaid it. You made me feel...needed and useful" she said with a small smile. She was a rather lonely girl. She didnt have any friends really as they all moved off to different countries for jobs and a better life. She remained. She only really had her parents and even they werent that close with each other. She saw them maybe once a month. So for this man to make her feel like she was all he needed, even if for just a moment. Was a wonderful feeling for her.