[quote=@NarayanK] It's k man. We all go through that at some point and feel the need to share it, amirite? Hope you feel betta soon. Also, I'm playing Little Mac and rekt five ppl online. 5/5 m' skillz shall pay da billz [/quote] I bought a Bamboo Drawing Pad thingy from the Goodwill for like 25$. Turns out it doesn't work on Windows 8 and it doesn't have the pen. -sadface- BUT, when I get my pay check, I plan on cutting out a chunk of it to order one of the new lines, the Intuo small pad thingy. Wacom and shtuff. I'm exited. :) Did you ever say what pad you had, NK? You do have one don't you? Also, -pokes Destiny- I luh you.