Not a lot of new content was covered in Power Theory today. Kaya didn’t learn anything note worthy, so she figured it was fine that Bryant hadn't attended. As class finished up she made her way to the gym and sat up on the bleachers, watching as the other students spoke amongst themselves before she opened up her book and began reading over it casually. [i]"Heeeeyyyy Kaya..."[/i] She looked up sharply, a frown already on her face before she even saw the source. She knew that tone too well. Bryant only ever used that tone when he’d done something stupid and gotten himself hurt. She stood up, snapping her book closed as she marched over to him, hitting him with the closed book on the shoulder. “I don’t care what you learnt you big dolt!” She snapped as she placed the book down and took his arm, being a lot gentler with his arm. Leading the boy over to the bleachers she sat down and took out her marker. “I have half a mind to leave your arm like this.” She muttered in an annoyed tone. “Nap my ass.” She quickly drew a circle on the bench between them, filling it with intricate patterns before placing her hands on the circle, causing it to glow gently. Pulling away the girl let out a small breath before giving him a small smile. “You’re lucky I know you’re fighting today, I would have left your arm the way it was otherwise, teach you a lesson.” She informed him as she wiped the mark away.