"You'll know her when you see her kid. She has eyes like sapphires and the charm and wit that makes Zaku writhe in his fancy little boots." Jiro said with a smile. "She's a good kid just don't let her hear you saying that sort of thing she'll soak it up like a sponge all the way in that big brain of hers." Jiro said chuckling. "She can patch up anything short of a decapitated limb or a maiming." Jiro said praising Isabelle's worth. She definitely was a interesting person in his life to say the least. Far shot from the little girl she was when he met her. However when Jiro heard the words 'great' and 'warrior' in the same sentence when it was referring to him it made him start to chuckle louder until he burst out laughing which drew more than a couple of eyes. "Kid if you knew me you wouldn't even call me a warrior. I'm just a big brute of a man who grew up in the slums of Valm. My daddy was scum and my momma was a nobody. I fought and defended scum bags and losers alike and I killed my share of great men and women who deserved to live more than I. I've seen the wyvern lords of Plegia, fought in the courts of Ferox, dueled with Ylisse Nobility, and got into fights with various weirdos. I'm just a man who irks out his living a traveling sell sword. My mercenary band consists of three people hardly the stuff of legend. One is a little girl, the other is a dark brooding loner, and the third is me. That's all there is too me trust me my life story is hardly worth mentioning to some esteemed tactician who has no doubt heard the legend of the radiant hero or the hero king. Pff I don't even think my life is worth mentioning but it is my life and I'm proud of it. As I said I'm Jiro and Jiro is what I'll always be Matthew. I trust you have your own creed and I suggest you stand too it firmly less you start lying to yourself." Jiro said as he walked through the streets towards his inn. "By the way do you intend on following me around all day? It's not like we're great friends or anything we just met literally twenty some minutes ago or so it seems to me."