Morgann Lacroix, dressed in her usual show attire minus the mask, strolled down the dark streets of New Meridian, the light from the nearby street lamps causing her tall form to project a massive shadow of her figure. At this time of day, everyone had already hurried home, so Morgann never worried about someone asking for her signature or some other typical request. Almost every night for the past few weeks, she would grab dinner at Mad Man's Cafe, and nobody bothered her while she did so. Eating with the carnies at Cartes was okay, but it got on her nerves. The voices of her co-workers were jarring, and not only that, they never shut up. Dinner would last for about two hours, so the magician would find herself in bed with a raging headache. "A star like me shouldn't even have to associate with such peasants anyhow," she snarled, approaching the dimly-lit cafe. Morgann likes to think she's the best magician in the kingdom, and while she is quite good at working with magic, she was nowhere near the best. Perhaps she is somewhere in the middle of the scale, but that was it for the moment. She clearly feels that she needs to be just as good as her father, but that might take at least fifty more years. A magician of his caliber was, and still is, quite rare. As soon as she walked in, she slid into a booth without a word, slowly sliding downwards into the seat to the point where her shoulders were hunched forward and the brim of her purple top hat covered her eyes. "It's been a long day," she breathed softly, looking around the vacant room. There was a single man at the register who glanced in her direction before coming over to take her order. She promptly replied she'd just like a coffee if possible, and the worker hurried away. "Bus boy better make it quick," she growled before looking out the window and up at the starry sky, sighing quietly. "I kinda wish I was back at the circus now, to be honest," she murmured. And in that very moment, Morgann realized how lonely she was. Right before dismissing it and assuming she might be sick.